Willis Media Center
Refresher notes… During class time, the following is required: Photo ID (or temporary ID) Agenda Pass from your teacher (AND YOU SIGN IN AT DESK)
Computers are for students IN GOOD STANDING in the library Students are REQUIRED to check in before using for any reason Computers are for SCHOOL WORK only Flash drives must be used to save work Computer Usage
Acceptable Activities Reading Studying Sleeping/Resting/ Dealing with a headache/quietly avoiding drama Ms. Celmins has been lenient (easy on you) to this point, respect the community space
Push your chairs in, pick up jibbas… Huh?
The Media Center is for Learning: Please stay outside if you are not willing “to play” by WJHS rules: Follow all school rules ◦Behavior/conduct ◦Treatment of materials ◦Respect for others
Ms. Celmins has acquired 100’s of new books… BUT new books are being returned “too used” for only 1-2 circulations. This looked like it was run over by a car! This book would not close.
Negligence: failing to exercise the care expected of a reasonably prudent person similar circumstances This is jelly (or something like it). It will get moldy. Mold is not only gross, but also gets people sick. This is coffee. These books were brand new ( school year)!
New books mean new rules: Fines will be assigned to negligent students (those who return books that are mishandled) FineAmount Mild Damage$1.00 Moderate Damage $2.00-$5.00 Severe Damage Book replacement value
Use Common Sense Books belong in a safe place. Make sure your backpack is a safe place if you keep them in there! Books and liquids are not friends Books and gum don’t belong together Pets & young kids may damage books
Always use a book mark with WJHS books Folding over pages damages our books, especially with repeated use. Please use a sticky note or bookmark to keep your place