Research in Ecology Maya Damski
MalesFemales Mean: Median: Mode: 950,
ColorSurvived Hatchlings Blue1325 Yellow25 Green1825 Red325 Orange425
Bottle caps are not only the garbage that is washed up on beaches. Some examples include plastic bags and lumber. The litter affects animals, and sometimes kills them.
Size # of Sea (in cm)Cigars "1-5"0 "6-10"3 "11-15"4 "16-20"12 "21-25"5 "26-30"1
Standard Deviation also shows how spread out the data are.
SizeFrequency Theoretical Distribution Curve (TDC) is an ideal picture of a distribution based upon random sampling.
ControlTreatment P= p The t-test equation tests if there is a significant difference between the means of two independent samples. The t-test is calculated by the t- statistic. The formula for the t – statistic is on the bottom of this slide. Key X 1 =mean of the first group X 2 =mean of the second group n 1 =number of _ in the first group n 2 =number of _ in the second group