President & Vice President Roles and Responsibilities Robin Fenton, SCTE Wayne Gale, Show Me Chapter, NCLB Chairman
Roles & Responsibilities Ensures Chapter Bylaw & Compliance Oversee Officers & Committee Chairs Goal Setting (Strategic Planning)
Maintains the Operations of the Chapter Ensures that the chapter is abiding by their bylaws and SCTE Headquarter Guidelines.
Bylaws All compliance requirements are taken directly from the Bylaws. For example: How many officers are allowed? Are all board members SCTE members? When do we hold elections? When do we hold meetings?
Bylaws – Quick Overview Article II – Purpose Article III – Membership Article IV – General Meetings –Notice of Meetings –4, usually per quarter –30 hours per year of technical training –Financial reporting requirements –Notices and reports to SCTE headquarters –Certification programs made available
Bylaws – Quick Overview (cont.) Article V – Board Board Elections and details Board Meetings and details Article VI – Officers of the Board Board Officer Elections and details Duties of Officers Article VII – Committees HINT: Appoint committees to handle various issues that the Board needs help to administer (but do not delegate away responsibility!)
Bylaws – Quick Overview (cont.) Article VIII – Assets Emphasizes the sense of responsibility and liability the Board has over the assets of the Chapter The Chapter assets ultimately are those of SCTE Headquarters as they are reported on SCTE tax returns So the SCTE Board is ultimately responsible AND LIABLE for those assets Goes to the heart of “Fiduciary Duty” –Duty of Care & Loyalty »Conflicts of Interest
Chapter Bylaw Compliance Compliance Requirements (see handout) What happens if non-compliant? Conditional Status is a status to identify and help chapters that are having a hard time meeting the compliance requirements. The goal is to have the entire Society operating at peak performance.
Oversee Officers & Board Members Delegate Every Chapter Leader is responsible for the success or failure of a chapter. Therefore, teamwork is a must!
Characteristics of Effective Teamwork Clear purpose Informality Participation Listening Civilized disagreement Consensus decisions Open communication Clear roles and work assignments Shared leadership External relations Style diversity Self-assessment
Problems typically experienced by team members Teams try to do too much too soon. Conflicts over differences in work styles (and/or personality conflicts). Too much emphasis on results, not enough on team processes and group dynamics. Unanticipated obstacle causes team to give up. Resistance to doing things differently. Lack of trust
Running Effective Meetings Focus on decision-making Hold meetings at suitable site and time Focus on the mission Let Board members learn from each other Have a good time!
Strategic Planning Create a Vision –Brainstorm/Strategic Planning Go Beyond Date Setting Mission –What is your chapters mission? Who knows your chapters mission? Long Term & Short Term Goals –At a minimum think 2 years out.
Recognize Accomplishments Communicating expectations Thank you notes, gifts of appreciation Be Proud of Your Chapter & Your Chapter Board Members!