New in RDA –Assistant Secretary of the Navy (RDA) Dr. Delores M. Etter –RDA Chief of Staff John S. Thackhah –DASN M&B John S. Thackrah –DASN M&B COS CAPT Francis Tisak, SC, USN (BCEFM) –DASN M&B EA/Strategic Planning Director, CDR Tom O’Dowd, SC, USN (BCEFM) Background
Purpose of IPT –Provide an assessment and recommendations to DASN M&B on how to implement EVM more effectively and more consistently across all Navy acquisition programs Background/History –Navy acquisition programs have long and well- document history of exceeding budget cost and schedule –Naval Audit Service audits 3 major acquisition programs Overall poor EVM implementation Systemic EVM implementation and policy issues in the Navy 4 th Audit in FY 2006 to summarize all findings Perceived by DASN M&B as early warning of potential problem areas for acquisition programs INTEGRATED PROJECT TEAM FOR EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT
–Scope of EVM IPT tasking Determine centralized approach for DON to enable most effective implementation of EVM; estimate resource requirements for this option Outline the EVM duties and responsibilities for all DON organizations Determine relationships among DON organizations and develop Memoranda of Understanding or Agreement Ensure organizational construct fits into OSD’s construct for managing EVM Provide recommendations for a more institutionalized EVM training program Develop options for a certification process for individuals charged with EVM responsibilities including the feasibility of of creating an EVM Navy Certification Board INTEGRATED PROJECT TEAM FOR EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION
INTEGRATED PROJECT TEAM FOR EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION (cont’d) EVM IPT tasks: –Develop a recommended approach for institutionalizing the proposed construct; identify constraints; develop a POA&M Composition of EVM IPT –Sponsor - John S. Thackrah –Chair - CDR Tom’O’Dowd –Assistant - Dr. Janice Graham (Anteon) –Members from NAS; NAVAIR; NAVSEA; SPAWAR; FMB; MARCORPS
INTEGRATED PROJECT TEAM FOR EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION (cont’d) Anticipated Events –Kick-Off meeting conducted –March 2006 Enterprise Performance Management System –May 2006 Finalize organizational construct for DON for most effective implementation of EVM Outline EVM duties and responsibilities for all organizations Development of MOUs/MOAs –July 2006 Develop options for a certification process in the Navy for EVM Address the feasibility of creating an EVM Navy Certification Board –September 2006 Submit recommended approach and implementation plans to DASN M&B Sponsor
ASN(RDA) aligned with USD (AT&L) in reinvigorating its leadership role in the implementation of EVM principles and in revitalizing EVM in the Navy acquisition community ASN(RDA) long-held position that EVM contributes to improved program management by both government and contractor communities Summary
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