Institutional Effectiveness A set of ongoing and systematic actions, processes, steps and practices that include: Planning Assessment of programs and services (administration and student services) Identification and measurement of outcomes across all units The use of data and assessment results to inform decision making All of these ongoing, systematic actions, processes, steps are accomplished with the purpose of improving programs and services and increasing student success and institutional quality.
Faculty and Staff will be able to: Develop curricula or programs that align with divisional and college goals Improve curriculum /program development Determine student or program areas of strength and weakness Illustrate course of program value to the college Provide evidence based feedback to colleagues and students Contribute to creating a culture of excellence
Administrators will be able to: Evaluate and allocate resources efficiently based on evidence Increase effectiveness of providing direction and deciding policy Track and demonstrate program progress and contribution to the institution Create a cohesive and meaningful strategic plan Align curricula or services across courses/programs Contribute to creating a culture of excellence
Rust College will be able to: Obtain better information to evaluate policies and practices Draw on evidence to make changes Use results to seek grant or foundation funding Demonstrate responsiveness to community needs and concerns Align learning across the curriculum Place students appropriately Generate higher student academic success Demonstrate how the college is making a difference Improve communications with stakeholders Achieve more thorough curriculum review and revision
Students will be able to: Engage in more rigorous and coordinated learning experience Learn more and better
Reflection Questions How well informed are faculty and staff about what your program is trying to do regarding continuous improvement? How well informed are students, staff, faculty,administrators, advisors, alumni about what you are trying to do regarding continuous improvement?
Reflection Questions cont’d… How well does your program put the assessment plan into action? What processes does your program have in place to ensure that the information you gather is used to make decisions about changes? What processes do you have in place to determine whether the changes have produced what you intended?
How do program administrators use information for strategic decision making? How does the current plan relate to long term goals for the program? Reflection Questions cont’d…