Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 1 Measurements of 3 Introduction Search for B + D (*)0 CP K + 3 and r B from B + D 0 K + Dalitz analysis r B from B + D 0 ADS ( K - + ) K + Pavel Krokovny KEK
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 2 CKM phenomenology
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 3 Measurement of from Direct CPV The D 0 K and D 0 K amplitudes have a relative weak phase of 3 ( . Also necessary to measure Relative magnitude Strong phase difference δ B Interference between allowed D 0 K and suppressed D 0 K amplitudes. Time-independent! Larger r B larger interference term better constraints on 3 ( . *
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 4 The Gronau-London-Wyler Method B - D 0 CP K (*)-, where D 0 CP is a CP-eigenstate decay (CP+: D 0 π + π -, K + K - CP-: D 0 K s h 0, h 0 = 0, , ‘, ) We have the following observables: 4 observables (R CP+, R CP-,A CP+, A CP- ) determine 3 unknowns (r B,δ B, ) Normalized to flavor state BF(B DK) ~ 10 -4, BF(D f CP ) ~ Small… strongly statistics limited BF(B DK) ~ 10 -4, BF(D f CP ) ~ Small… strongly statistics limited [Phys. Lett. B 253 (1991) 483] [Phys. Lett. B 265 (1991) 172]
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 5 B D CP K results
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 6 B D* CP K results
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 7 B - D 0 CP K (*)- yields D 0 background B + CP+ B - CP+ B - CP- B + CP- N BB = N BB = Adding K S , K S D 0 CP K - CP+ ( + -,K + K - ) CP- (K S 0 ) D 0 CP K* - (K* - K S - ) [hep-ex/ ]
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 8 G ronau -L ondon -W yler Method Results D 0 CP K - D 0 CP K* - (K* - K S - ) Additional systematic error on A CP - ( CP even background) More CP eigenstate final states still to be added… More statistics needed to constrain Loose bound on r B From D CP K* D *0 (D 0 CP 0 )K - N BB = N BB = N BB = ±0.12
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 9 If both D 0 and D 0 decay into the same final state, B + D 0 K + and B + D 0 K + amplitudes interfere. Mixed state is produced: Phase θ is a sum of strong and weak phases: for B ± D 0 K ± Use 3-body final state, identical for D 0 and D 0 : K s π + π - ( r, φ 3, δ ) can be obtained with simultaneous Dalitz plot fit of B + and B - data. B + D 0 K + Dalitz analysis method Giri, Grossman, Sofer & Zupan [Phys. Rev. D 68 (2003) ] Belle workshop 2002 (unpublished) = ± 3
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 10 D 0 K s π + π – decay model Sum of two-body amplitudes: Use continuum D 0 ‘s from D *+ D 0 π +, D 0 K s π + π – decay.
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 11 D0KD0K 276 events 209±16 signal B + D (*)0 K + signal D* 0 K 69 events 58±8 signal D0KD0K D* 0 [D 0 0 ]K D* 0 [D 0 ]K D 0 K *
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of events 137 events B + D 0 K + B - D 0 K - Fit these D 0 Dalitz plots using unbinned maximum likelihood fit. D 0 decay model is fixed. Free parameters: ( r, φ 3, δ ) ~ B + D 0 K + Dalitz plot
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 13 B + D 0 K + fit results r= 0.21 ± 0.08 ± 0.03(syst) ± 0.04(model), φ 3 =64 ± 19° ± 13°(syst) ± 11°(model), δ= 157 ± 19° ± 11°(syst) ± 21°(model) CP violation significance: 94% r=0.087 (< % CL), φ 3 = 70 ± 44° ± 10°(syst) ± 10°(model), δ= 114 ± 41° ± 8°(syst) ± 10°(model) [hep-ex/ ] [hep-ex/ ] rr 33
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 14 B + D (*)0 K + fit results r=0.155 ± ± φ 3 = 73 ± 35° ± 10°(syst) ± 10°(model), δ= 303 ± 34° ± 14°(syst) ± 10°(model) [hep-ex/ ] [hep-ex/ ] r=0.12 ± 0.02(syst) ± 0.04(model), φ 3 = 75 ± 57° ± 12°(syst) ± 11°(model), δ= 321 ± 57° ± 11°(syst) ± 21°(model) CP violation significance: 38% r r 3
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 15 B + D 0 K *+ fit results r = 0.25 ± 0.09(syst) ± 0.04(model) ± 0.08(nonres), φ 3 = 112 ± 35° ± 9°(syst) ± 11°(model) ± 8°(nonres), δ= 353 ± 35° ± 8°(syst) ± 21°(model) ± 49°(nonres) CP violation significance: 63% preliminary r
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 16 r B dependence of 3 measurement Sensitivity to crucially depends on r B = |A(B + D 0 K + ) / A(B + D 0 K + )| r= 0.21 ±0.08 ±0.03 ±0.04 (D 0 K) r=0.12 ±0.02±0.04 (D* 0 K) r B = r B = = (70±26±10±10)º φ 3 =68 ± 13° ± 11° +14° -15° Good agreement between Belle and BaBar results:
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 17 The Atwood-Dunietz-Soni Method Count B candidates with opposite sign kaons D decay into flavor state Input: Phys.Rev.Lett.91:171801,2003 BB DD D decay strong phase D is unknown [Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 3257] Bondar & Gershon [hep-ph/ ] Effective strong phase D differs by for D* decays to D and D Combining these two final states, the ratio R ADS (D ) + R ADS (D ) = 2(r B 2 + r D 2 ) does not depend on any phases. We can extract r B, and using only D*K.
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 18 B - D (*)0 ADS ( K + π - ) K R D = 3.5 ± R DK = 2.3 ± [hep-ex/ ] A DK = 0.88 ± A D = 0.30 ± D0KD0K D *0 (D 0 0 )K D *0 (D 0 )K [hep-ex/ ] DD DK First observation
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 19 ADS Constraints on r B R ADS D0KD0K R ADS can be translated to r B < 0.27 (90% CL)
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 20 First direct 3 ( measurement from B DK Dalitz analysis: 3 = (68 ± 15 ± 13 syst ± 11 model ) o (Belle) = (70 ± 26 ± 10 syst ± 10 model )º (BaBar) well agrees with CKM constraint 3 ( = 57 o ± 9 o This technique is theoretically clean, model uncertainty can be eliminated using CP tagged D mesons from c factory. Sensitivity to 3 ( crucially depends on r B = |A(B + D 0 K + )/A(B + D 0 K + )| ADS method can be used for this measurement. Other methods (B D CP K, B [K ] D can be used to extract 3 ( with more data available.Summary
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 21 Backup
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 22 D (*)0 K (*)0 results Sensitivity given by Search for b u transition (self tagging mode) Eventually TD analysis… N BB =
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 23 B(B 0 D 0 K 0 )= (3.72±0.65±0.37)x10 -5 B(B 0 D 0 K* 0 )= (3.08±0.56±0.31)x10 -5 B 0 D 0 K 0 & B 0 D 0 K* 0 decays The new results are consistent with published in PRL (based on 78 fb -1 )
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of events 3.2 σ events 2.1 σ B =( 3.18 ±0.32) x B < 4.8 x % CL First evidence of B 0 D *0 K 0 & hint for B 0 D *0 K *0
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 25 B 0 D 0 K *0 & B 0 D *0 K *0 upper limits (V ub suppressed) B < 1.9 x % CLB < 0.4 x % CL 3.3 events events r <0.39 D 0 K *0 (equvalent to r B but for neutral B)
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 26 Model Uncertainty
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 27 Systematic Uncertainty
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 28 B + D (*)0 + control sample r + = ± +_ = 240 ± 28° r - = ± - = 193 ± 24° Fit B and B samples separately. Float r ± e i where ± = ± Expected value r ~ B + D 0 K + :B + D *0 K + : r + = ± +_ = 149 ± 186° r - = ± - = 280 ± 30°
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 29 B + D (*)0 K + combined fit results r= 0.21 ± 0.08 ± 0.03(syst) ± 0.04(model), φ 3 =64 ± 19° ± 13°(syst) ± 11°(model), δ= 157 ± 19° ± 11°(syst) ± 21°(model) CP violation significance: 94% Combined: φ 3 =68 ± 13°(syst) ± 11° (model), 95% CL interval: 22°<φ 3 <113° (incl. systematic error) CP violation significance: 98% +14° -15° B + D 0 K + :B + D *0 K + : r=0.12 ± 0.02(syst) ± 0.04(model), φ 3 = 75 ± 57° ± 12°(syst) ± 11°(model), δ= 321 ± 57° ± 11°(syst) ± 21°(model) CP violation significance: 38% fb -1 [hep-ex/ ]
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 30 Fit results D0K-D0K- 68% 95% D* 0 K - rBrB = (70±26±10±10)º (114 ± 41 ± 8 ± 10) º r B <0.19 (90% CL) [hep-ex/ ] rBrB r B = r B = = (70±44)º (114 ± 41) º = (73±35)º (303 ± 34) º Combined:
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 31 B + D 0 K + fit results r= 0.21 ± 0.08 ± 0.03(syst) ± 0.04(model), φ 3 = 64 ± 19°± 13°(syst) ± 11°(model), δ= 157 ± 19°± 11°(syst) ±2 1°(model) CP violation significance: 94% Errors using toy MC experiments and frequentist approach (φ 3, δ) and (φ 3 +π, δ+π) ambiguity 250 fb -1 [hep-ex/ ]
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 32 B + D *0 K + fit results r = 0.12 ± 0.02(syst) ± 0.04(model), φ 3 = 75 ± 57° ± 12°(syst) ± 11°(model), δ= 321 ± 57° ± 11°(syst) ± 21°(model) CP violation significance: 38% fb -1 (φ 3, δ) and (φ 3 +π, δ+π) ambiguity [hep-ex/ ]
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 33 G ronau -L ondon -W yler Method Results B + D *0 2 K + statistical significance 4.5 σ B + D 1 *0 K + statistical significance 5.6 σ Acp=-0.27±0.25 ±0.04 Acp=0.26±0.26±0.03 Acp=0.07±0.14±0.06 Acp=-0.11±0.14 ± fb -1
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 34 Results from B - [K + - ] D h - Results from B - [K + - ] D h - [hep-ex/ ]
Pavel Krokovny, KEK Measurement of 35 B - D (*)0 ADS ( K + π - ) K - Yields from ΔE fits ± ± R D = 3.5 ± R DK = 2.3 ± [hep-ex/ ] A DK = 0.88 ± A D = 0.30 ±