Once you have a seat, please turn to a clean page in your English notebook. You may use whatever writing utensil you like.
(Noun) A preference or prejudice for or against one side or the other Favoring one side or another instead of staying neutral Example: I think English is the best subject ever. Then again, I might be biased. Our job today: learn how to identify bias in sources
1) What kind of bias might exist on this website? 2) What phrases or details give you clues that this website is biased? Our job today: learn how to identify bias in sources
PETA website Our job today: learn how to identify bias in sources
Share your thoughts with your partner. I will call on a few pairs to share their thoughts with the class. Our job today: learn how to identify bias in sources
Stand up, shake it out, stomp your feet. Front row: turn around and give the person behind you a high five. Tell them the one most important thing you’ve noticed about bias so far. Back row: Give the person in front of you another high five. Tell them the one most important thing you remember from our definition of bias. Our job today: learn how to identify bias in sources
1) What kind of bias might exist on this website? 2) What phrases or details give you clues that this website is biased? 3) What does the site tell us, and what does it leave out? Our job today: learn how to identify bias in sources
National Guard website Our job today: learn how to identify bias in sources
1. Share your thoughts with your partner. 2. Now, answer this question: ◦ What are the similarities and differences between the BIAS of the National Guard site and the BIAS of the PETA site? I will call on a few pairs to share their thoughts with the class. Our job today: learn how to identify bias in sources
5) What is the bias of this ad? Consider several of the following questions as you write your answer. Not all questions will fit all ads. Make sure to explain what details in the ad make you think this. Your answer should include Claim, Evidence and Warrant. What kinds of people are included in the ad, and what kinds of people are missing from the ad? What kinds of people benefit from the ad? How does the ad depict age, gender and/or cultural groups? Are these depictions correct or stereotypical? Is the ad fair? Why or why not? Whose views are left out of the ad? Whose views are promoted in the ad?
You will clearly identify CLAIM, EVIDENCE, and WARRANT in your answer. CLAIM: What’s the bias? EVIDENCE: Details from the commercial which support the bias. WARRANT: Warrant will answer the questions listed on your practice sheet and tie everything together. Answer the questions that work best for the commercial. You will be answering more than one question.
5) What is the bias of this ad? Consider several of the following questions as you write your answer. Not all questions will fit all ads. Make sure to explain what details in the ad make you think this. Your answer should include Claim, Evidence and Warrant. What kinds of people are included in the ad, and what kinds of people are missing from the ad? What kinds of people benefit from the ad? How does the ad depict age, gender and/or cultural groups? Are these depictions correct or stereotypical? Is the ad fair? Why or why not? Whose views are left out of the ad? Whose views are promoted in the ad? * Answer on your practice sheet!
Claim: This ad clearly favors women and mothers as it completely leaves out fathers. Evidence: The evidence in the ad is shown as moms throughout the world are getting their children up in the morning, making breakfast for them, getting them off to school or their activities, watching them at practice, and driving them to and from events. Also, the biggest example of this favoritism is shown when the athlete does well at the Olympics, they go to hug their mom in the stands. Warrant: So because fathers are left out of this ad, mothers and women benefit from this because they are seen as the strong ones, the reliable ones and fathers are no where to be seen. And while these depictions seem like a stereotype, they (sadly) seem to reflect some truth because there are more homes headed by single mothers than ever before. In many ways this is perpetuating an already sad stereotype because it is glorifying moms as the ultimate hero when in reality the best situation for everyone would be a two parent home with everyone participating. This ad makes it look like dads don’t do anything while moms do everything.
5) What is the bias of this ad? Consider several of the following questions as you write your answer. Not all questions will fit all ads. Make sure to explain what details in the ad make you think this. Your answer should include Claim, Evidence and Warrant. What kinds of people are included in the ad, and what kinds of people are missing from the ad? What kinds of people benefit from the ad? How does the ad depict age, gender and/or cultural groups? Are these depictions correct or stereotypical? Is the ad fair? Why or why not? Whose views are left out of the ad? Whose views are promoted in the ad? Claim: What’s the bias? Evidence: Details which support the bias. Warrant: Warrant will answer the above questions and tie everything together.
This is the message that advertisers don’t want you to realize you are thinking about! Think about Little Red Riding Hood. The authors don’t want you to realize that it is really a story about rape and the victim is being blamed.
6) Now that you have examined the bias of this ad, what are some of the unintentional or hidden messages the ad communicates? Consider several of the following questions as you write your answer. Not all questions will fit all ads. Make sure to explain what details in the ad make you think this. Your answer should include Claim, Evidence and Warrant. What information does the ad include? What information does the ad hide or leave out? What does the ad claim the product will do for the viewer? Is this accurate? Fair? What conflicting messages does the ad contain? Think about the bias of this ad. What hidden messages are sent by this bias?
CLAIM: What’s the unintentional message? EVIDENCE: Details from the commercial which support the unintentional message. WARRANT: Warrant will answer the questions listed on your practice sheet and tie everything together. Answer the questions that work best for the commercial. You will be answering more than one question.
Claim: The unintentional message is that fathers don’t play as important a role in raising their children. Evidence: Evidence of this unintentional message can be seen not only with the clips of the moms taking care of the kids, but also in the clips of moms taking care of the house, laundry, and dinner. At the end of the commercial, it specifically says, “Thank you, Mom” and “Proud sponsor of Moms.” Warrant: This evidence shows that the bias towards women clearly leaves out the role dads play in their kids life. This sends the unintentional message that mom is the only person the kids can rely on. The ads leave out what dads do for and with their kids on a regular basis. Because of this, it may make dads feel bad about themselves; it may make them question if they are active enough in their kid’s life. And while this is trying to promote “Mom Power,” it comes at the cost of fathers. The unintentional message is “Moms rule and Dads drool.”
6) Now that you have examined the bias of this ad, what are some of the unintentional or hidden messages the ad communicates? Consider several of the following questions as you write your answer. Not all questions will fit all ads. Make sure to explain what details in the ad make you think this. Your answer should include Claim, Evidence and Warrant. What information does the ad include? What information does the ad hide or leave out? What does the ad claim the product will do for the viewer? Is this accurate? Fair? What conflicting messages does the ad contain? Think about the bias of this ad. What hidden messages are sent by this bias?
7) Bring it all together! Think about the intentional message of this ad, the biases you found, and the hidden messages you wrote about. Based on all of this analysis, what are some of the possible consequences of the ad? Consider several of the following questions as you write your answer. Not all questions will fit all ads. Make sure to explain what details in the ad make you think this. Your answer should include Claim, Evidence and Warrant. If the biases you found were encouraged in our society, what might happen to our society? What might happen to individual people? If viewers started to believe the hidden messages of this ad, what might happen to those viewers? What might happen to our society if many people believed the hidden messages? All ads are trying to sell you something. What negative aspects of the product or the message are the advertisers ignoring in order to sell you their product? Why might this be a problem? Are there any positive effects this ad might have on viewers?
CLAIM: What are the possible consequences of this ad? EVIDENCE: Details from the commercial which support the possible consequences. WARRANT: Warrant will answer the questions listed on your practice sheet and tie everything together. Answer the questions that work best for the commercial. You will be answering more than one question.
Claim: Because of the bias in this commercial, a possible consequence could be that the stereotype of the uninvolved dad will continue to be perpetuated. Evidence: The ad’s emphasis on mom’s involvement in every aspect of the kid’s life and the product’s shout out at the end of the commercial targeted to moms clearly excludes dads. Warrant: If this bias continues, men will keep feeling underappreciated and may wonder, “what’s the point?” Moms may think “I can do this by myself” and disregard any involvement dad may want in his child’s life. The stereotype of the uninvolved dad will continue to live on. While it’s clear dads aren’t getting any love in this commercial, it could have some positive effects. Dads could be more inspired to step up (if not already involved), and moms will feel appreciated because many times they are the unsung heroes.
7) Bring it all together! Think about the intentional message of this ad, the biases you found, and the hidden messages you wrote about. Based on all of this analysis, what are some of the possible consequences of the ad? Consider several of the following questions as you write your answer. Not all questions will fit all ads. Make sure to explain what details in the ad make you think this. Your answer should include Claim, Evidence and Warrant. If the biases you found were encouraged in our society, what might happen to our society? What might happen to individual people? If viewers started to believe the hidden messages of this ad, what might happen to those viewers? What might happen to our society if many people believed the hidden messages? All ads are trying to sell you something. What negative aspects of the product or the message are the advertisers ignoring in order to sell you their product? Why might this be a problem? Are there any positive effects this ad might have on viewers?
You will be taking the test on MONDAY and TUESDAY (October 1 & 2). You MUST be here. If you are absent, you will be failing the class. You will need to come in AFTER school to make up the test. This must be made up within one week. We will be moving on to the next unit. If you get behind it will be REALLY DIFFICULT to get caught up. Check the website.