Welcome to the Champ Software Topical Webinar Series! Community Focused Interventions Conference Call Line Information: #295427
Community Focused Interventions How to add your “clients” What can you document? Time tracking Interventions Outcomes Examples of Community Interventions Agenda:
How to add your “clients” use the name of the employer, population, etc. as the last name, first name in Client details – Example: last name: school, first name: client last name: obesity, first name: education last name: IBM, first name: smoking cessation last name: Whitefield Elem, first name: health screening last name: Senior Center, first name: Flu Shots Community Focused Interventions:
What can you document? Adding a Service: Time tracking Cost Center Group Number Supplies used Community Focused Interventions:
What can you document? Charting: Pathways – build your grant deliverables right into the pathways Completion of interventions Outcomes - Use KBS to monitor your outcomes! Community Focused Interventions:
Examples: Obesity Management Smoking Cessation (Bismarck-Burleigh) School Health Tracking Flu Clinics Environmental Health Community Focused Interventions:
Interventions are your actions: What did you assess/survey for the community? What did you perform (treatments / procedures) for the community? What did you educate/counsel/guide for the community? What did case manage for the community? Let’s take a look at some interventions….. Community Focused Interventions:
Thank You! for participating in our series of Topical Webinars! Stay tuned for our next webinar! May 27, am-12CT: Billing: Processing 835s/Ins and Outs of Ledgers (Kellie) If you have any suggestions for other Topical Webinar subjects please feel free to me at: