A Brief Overview of Western Ethics M. Blake Hargrove University of Texas at Arlington 1
Ethics Taxonomy 2 Virtue-based Theories Deontological (Rule-based) Theories Consequentialist Theories REVEALED/CULTURAL SYSTEMS Moses CATEGORICAL IMPERATIVE Kant LIBERTARIANISM Nozick STOCKHOLDER THEORY Friedman JUSTICE THEORY Rawls COMMUNITARIANISM Sandel UTILITARIANISM Mill, Bentham EGOISM Rand CLASSICAL & MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY Socrates, Plato, & Aristotle Augustine & Aquinas EMOTIVISM Hume
Virtue Theories 3 Solve problems by assessing character Phronesis ς (moral or practical wisdom) Eudemonia (flourishing, well-being) Arete (excellence or virtue) Classical Ethics Aristotle Christian Ethics Aquinas
Deontological Theories 4 Solve problems by assessing duty Deontology – (obligation, duty) (to speak), the study of duty Revealed Ethical Systems Reason-based Ethical Systems Kantian Ethics Libertarianism Justice Ethics Communitarianism
Consequentialist Theories 5 Solve problems by assessing consequences Utilitarianism Mill Emotivism Hume Egoism Rand
Assess a Problem 6 It is wrong to murder because… Rules Moses Kant Rawls Virtue Aristotle Consequences Mill