Batman Batman is a superhero who doesn’t have any super powers so to say, but he is actually a man called Bruce Wayne who is a billionaire. He spent his money to build the suit, all of the equipment and his famous bat cave. He lives in the city of Gotham and with help from friends./ He decided to become a superhero as he watched his parents get murdered and then swore revenge on all criminals.
Spider Man Spider Man is a superhero in the city of New-York. He is actually a teenager called Peter Parker, a student in high school. He gains his super powers by getting bitten by a radioactive spider. This spider then gave him the powers of 16 different spiders. He first uses his powers to do wrestling so that he can win money however his Uncle (whom he lives with) gets shot and before he dies tells Peter “with great power comes great responsibility” which are the words which encourage Peter Parker to become spider man.
Iron Man Iron man, like Batman, does not actually have any super powers he is just an very good entrepreneur who gets a lot of money and spends it on his inventions and builds thing like his suit. The suit was originally made however when he gets kidnapped in order to be forced to build a weapon of mass destruction which instead he builds his suit to escape. Throughout the Ironman history he as always been part of a group known as the Avengers.
Wolverine Wolverine is a man called James Howlett who comes from 19 th centaury Canada. James’ dad is believed to be a human who has evolved from canine. This means the canine blood has evolved into James is just like a normal boy until Logan kills his Father right in front of him, leading him to go berserk and unleash his claws for the first, killing Logan and his son.
The Joker The Joker is not a Super Hero but a Super Villain and the archenemy on the Super Hero Batman. The Joker was originally intended to be killed off the first comic where he came from however the editors chose to spare him and keep him as Batman's archenemy.
My Characters NitroRush Shadow-Walker
NitroRush I had no clue what superhero to come up with, my ideas were everywhere so I decided to use a name generator so that I can get a name and link a story to the name.
Shadow-Walker Unlike most people, I did not want to do 2 super heroes. I wanted a Hero and his nemesis and I started thinking about an assassin, someone who worked in the shadows. His name just popped in my head so I stuck with it.
Logos for Shadow-Walker I cam up with 4 rough logos and then had to choose one. Eventually wqe
In the end I chose:
Logos for NitroRush The logo for NitroRush I wanted to look called and be better as after all people are meant to like him more than the villain. Then I made 2 logos:
In the end I chose:
Shadow-Walker Background:
NitroRush Background:
Designing Shadow-Walker I wanted an assassin. Someone who wears dark clothes so that he can blend in with the shadows.
Designing NitroRush
NitroRush on 3DStudio Max Just a start…
Plasticine models I needed to make NitroRush as a plasticine model however the problem came up that we did not have any green or purple plasticine so I substituted the colours with orange and blue. I started making his legs, then body, then lastly his head.
The Legs
The Body
The Head
Him The original colours were green and purple but as we had neither I replaced green with orange and purple with Blue. I had him quite small and not in size portioned to the other character how this is because the other character was my favourite so I made him bigger and better.
The Villain He looks a little deformed but that is because when I was creating him I forgot to take a photo so I have had to take a photo after I already animated him! That is why you can still see blood underneath his arm. We did not have purple so I replaced his purple cape with blue.
Animating Before actually animating I need to plan it out on a story board!
Finished story board
My story board tells the story of Alex and my animation where it will be his superheroes versus my villain. We shows to do this because no-one else had done an animation with a villain and as I made one we made the animation like this. We also thought it would ruin the video with too many heroes so we only included his 2 and not my hero.
The Twist As Alex had made a character that looks like (which is supposed to look like) Gandolf from The Lord of the Rings, so I went a got a part of the film and edited it into the video! So like it says on the story board “You shall not pass!” we have the part of the film which we took that from actually in the animation now!
The Film