Before Bell: 1. TSL QUIZ TODAY---STUDY GUIDE? 2. Grad Paper Rough Drafts Due Thursday!
The Scarlet Letter Review Chs Ch What have we learned about Dimmesdale in these two chapters? How is Chillingworth involved? Ch What is Chillingworth doing to Dimmesdale and how is it affecting Dimmesdale’s work? What happens again on the scaffold? Ch Pearl is 7 by now, how is the village reacting to her and Hester? How has the ‘A’ changed? What does Hester think of Chillingworth now? Ch What does Pearl put on herself at the beach? Why? Who does Hester talk to in Chapter 16..what is the ‘black man’? Ch. 17 Who does Hester run into in the woods? What do they plan?
After Quiz: Pick up at the front table the Article of the Week (Due Friday!) Private vs. Public Article of the Week This should help you to reflect on the Private vs. Public persona motif in TSL...(hint, hint- possible essay topic)
Thoreau: ● What did he believe in? ● What was his purpose in “Civil Disobedience”? ● Who was his friend? ● What did he do for two years?
Walden Pond ● What do you think of Walden Pond? Could you imagine living there for two whole years? ● What modern day connections can you think of when looking at Thoreau’s life?
Complete reading for Walden Pond ● Work to annotate the passage to the questions….. (ps this passage may show up on that quiz Thursday!) ● Once you have completed reading work with your partner to answer the reading questions!
What would a modern day transcendentalist look like? ● Since they were trying to save the world…..make a superhero! ● As a group create your transcendentalist superhero (What is their name and superpower) ● Utilizing textual evidence from Emerson and Thoreau create a superhero comic strip four panes that tell a story about your superhero fighting or protecting…..
Closure: Transcendental Seminar Prep ● Compare and Contrast Thoreau and Emerson’s works with your table group using the guided questions! ● Natural Connections: Emerson’s Nature vs. Thoreau’s Walden ● Individualism: Emerson’s Self Reliance vs. Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience