The „Brzeg” Association is responsible for taking preventive actions and organizing psychoeducational training. In 2013 the Association implements the measures under two Projects co-funded by the City Office of Tarnobrzeg: SOBER FAMILY – HAPPY CHILDHOOD; DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION – SAY “NO” TO DRUGS!
”SOBER FAMILY – HAPPY CHILDHOOD” Tasks performed within the Project: 1. Preventive and therapeutic work with parents and children from dysfunctional families. 2. Workshops for parents and first-grade children of primary schools on the topic “My child is a student – I will help him to succeed”.
„Family love and support make it possible to achieve something you haven’t dreamt about.” James Scott
1. Preventive and therapeutic work with parents and children from dysfunctional families. The task, carried out within the Project, includes broken and violent families, families with alcohol problems as well as those whose members emigrated abroad. The following measures are taken within the task: Consultations with partners (the Municipal Family Support Centre, schools in Tarnobrzeg); Diagnosis of families involved in the project; Preventive and therapeutic work with dysfunctional families. Subsequent to the diagnosis, 10 families were chosen. These are families which require help, support, and psychological therapy. Each family is provided with seven hours of therapy.
2. Workshops for parents and first-grade children of primary schools on the topic “My child is a student – I will help him to succeed” This offer is aimed at parents whose children need support at the beginning of their education. In this task, the following actions are performed: -Consultations with the headmasters of primary schools, school educators, and teachers. Parents will be selected to participate in the workshops. -Workshops for ten groups of parents. The aim of the workshops: To sensitize parents to the psychological needs of children; To familiarize parents with the methods of supporting children in their development and educational achievements. -Office hours for parents in the Consultation Unit. After meetings, parents will get informative and didactic materials about solving educational problems as well as materials about supporting children in their development and improvement of skills.
„DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION – SAY ”NO” TO DRUGS!” Tasks performed within the Project: 1. Training related to educational and preventive activities as well as training in developing social skills for children from primary schools, junior high schools and high schools. 2. Talks for parents of children of junior high and high school age. 3. Consultation Units for parents of primary, junior high and high school children, organized after parent-teacher conferences.
„You ascend the mountains not to reach the top but to overcome your weaknesses.” Agnieszka Lisak
1. Training related to educational and preventive activities as well as training in developing social skills for children from primary schools, junior high schools and high schools. These are classes for six-grade pupils from primary schools, second – and third – grade children from junior high schools and first – and second – grade students from high schools. Each session lasts four hours and covers twelve selected classes.
2. Talks for parents of children of junior high and high school age. The talks are devoted to concerns of risky behaviours among teenagers and discipline problems. There will be 15 meetings with parents.
3. Consultation Units for parents of primary, junior high and high school children, organized after parent-teacher conferences. Consultations take place in 20 Consultation Units. Parents get advice on discipline issues, risky behaviours among teenagers, drug abuse and designer drug addiction.
The „Brzeg” Association also participates in the COMENIUS REGIO project “Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention”, implemented by the Junior High School No. 2 in Tarnobrzeg and the City Office of Tarnobrzeg.
Within the Comenius Regio Project, the following tasks were performed: 1. Preventive and educational activities for students Health education – promoting a healthy lifestyle – prevention of addictions. 2. Psycho-education for parents Developmental regularities of puberty. Improvement of parental skills How to recognize that children use intoxicating substances? Designer drugs! “Getting closer – away from drugs.” Methods for parents to communicate with children (workshops). 3. Education of teachers from the Junior High School No. 2 in Tarnobrzeg Identifying drugs and states of intoxication. Forms of intervention; Moreover, the Association is actively involved in the planning of project activities and consultations.
Thank you for your attention!