NASA Update NDIA PMSC Quarterly Meeting February 4, 2010 Ken Poole NASA/MSFC/CS40 (Project Planning & Analysis Team)
1 Topics 1. Policy and Requirements Update 3. EVM Guideline Gap Status 4. Review Status 2. NASA EVM Capability Development Status
2 Currently updating NASA’s Program/Project Management Requirements for Flight Projects, NPR version E - (3 rd Qtr CY2010) Incorporates probabilistic confidence assessment requirements for both cost and schedule (likely requirement for resource loaded schedules) Updates and clarifies “baseline” definition and associated requirements o o Commitment Baseline (external customers) o o Management Baseline (internal project management ) Provide additional guidance and clarity to EVM requirements o o EVM principles vs. guideline applicability for NASA in-house effort o o IBR requirement for NASA in-house project implementations o o Ensure consistency between new “Management Baseline” definition and PMB Potential tailoring of technical and programmatic requirements for lower category projects Policy and Requirements Update
3 NASA EVM Capability Development Status Background: July 2009, NASA’s Office of Chief Engineer authorized the start of development activities for an in-house EVM capability for the Agency that satisfies ANSI/EIA-748 Guidelines Responsibility for EVM Capability Development assigned to Marshall Space Flight Center (Huntsville, AL) Initial development funding authorized for Formulation Phase only
4 NASA EVM Capability Development Status Current Status: Established a strong implementation team made up of both contractors and civil servants and with substantial EVM experience Secured Agency executive leadership support Communicated with Agency Directorate Leadership the requirements, purpose, issues, and benefits of EVM Received authorization and funding from HQ’s to proceed into Implementation phase of EVM Capability Development (1/26/2010)
5 NASA EVM Capability Development Status Current Status (cont’d): Completed a draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) to be signed by key stakeholders (OCFO, OCE, CIO, SMD, ESMD, Centers) to ensure that all parties understand and will proactively support EVM Capability implementation Carried out a thorough requirements analysis to ensure that the correct requirements are identified and understood Assessed existing NASA systems, processes, and procedures to identify gaps where ANSI-748 EVM guidelines are not being adequately met. Currently working with the Agency’s business systems community & associated working group partners to identify temporary and permanent solutions for gaps
6 Current Status (cont’d): Completed a NASA EVM Capability Storyboard that depicts the nine EVM process areas with associated narrative descriptions and artifacts for Organization, Work/Budget Authorization, Scheduling, Accounting, Indirect Cost Mgmt, Managerial Analysis, Subcontract Mgmt, Material Mgmt, and Change Mgmt Currently utilizing the Storyboard process information to develop one EVM System Description for the Agency (each NASA Center will develop and put in place the necessary procedures and tools that will ensure adherence to the Agency’s system description) NASA EVM Capability Development Status
7 Current Status (cont’d): Completed Agency-level Handbooks for PP&C functional areas Schedule Management Handbook (At HQ for sign-off & issuance) WBS Handbook (At HQ for sign-off & issuance) IBR Handbook (At HQ for sign-off & issuance) Control Account Manager (CAM) Handbook (Draft complete) Initiated the development of a comprehensive set of NASA training materials that are consistent with the processes being prescribed in the Agency EVM System Description Selected two pilot projects for test and validation of the NASA EVM Capability (processes, procedures, and tools) Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) Project at JSC – Exploration Sys Missions Directorate (ESMD) Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite II (ICE SatII) Project at GSFC – Science Missions Directorate (SMD)
8 NASA EVM Capability Implementation Schedule
9 ANSI-748 EVM Guideline Gap Status ANSI-748 Guideline gap analysis completed Identified gaps were prioritized and presented to HQ management Temporary and permanent solutions are being worked by appropriate Business, IT, and Programmatic organizations Gaps identified were typically due to practices and/or procedures that have evolved over years within NASA’s management culture and not system problems
10 IBR’s Completed: Ares Flight & Integrated Test Office (FITO) Element In House IBR – 9/1/09 Ares Upper Stage Prime (Boeing) Pre-Negotiated IBR – 9/24/09 Ares Vehicle Integration (VI) Element In House IBR – 11/6/09 Ares Upper Stage In House IBR – 1/28/10 Orion Prime (LMC) IBR – 1/29/10 Upcoming IBR’s: Orion In-House IBR – 2/11/10 Constellation Program Integration In-House IBR – 2/17/10 Orion Complete Project IBR – 2/26/10 EVA Prime IBR – 2/22/10 EVA Complete Project IBR – 4/26/10 Ground Ops Complete Project IBR – 5/11/10 Ares Upper Stage Engine Prime (PWR) IBR – 6/30/10 Review Status