PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 1 Schedule In preparation Done Started Done Started Half done
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 2 Action Triggers p Currently: 6 disks complete 3 barrels complete Produced 2 disks in the months of May, June and July Wedge production proceeding at significantly faster pace
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 3 Sensor Delivery p Axial detectors (3-chip): All sensors in hand p 90 o detectors, DSDM (6-chip): ~19 sensors still to be delivered July delivery: 28 sensors Complete order in August ! Some sensors will be returned but will have no impact on availability of good devices for completion of detector p 2 o detectors (9-chip) Still to deliver 19 (lyr2) sensors Delivery should not be a problem If we need to call into effect fallback: ~10 sensors »Fallback: Accept sensors which have higher R bias, ~50 sensors have been identified p F-Wedge sensors All sensors (Micron + Eurisys) in hand p H-Wedge sensors All sensors in hand ()()
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 4 High Density Interconnect Status p 3-chip hdi’s done p 6-chip hdi’s done (6 hdi’s to Promex for backup) p 9-chip hdi’s hdi’s processed at Promex ~12 sent to Promex. Last batch ! p F-wedge hdi’s 18 hdi’s processed at Promex 22 sent to Promex. Last batch ! p H-wedge hdi’s 20 at Silitronics. Last batch ! p Total to be stuffed: Promex: ~40 Silitronics: ~20
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 5 Ladder and Wedge Production p Axial detectors (3-chip): Ladder production continuing; 4-5 more ladders to go p 2 o detectors (9-chip): Production lagging due to availability of hdi’s »Surface mount at Promex faster than anticipated »First hdi’s from new batch received at Fermilab and burn-in and production started Hope to make up some of the lag incurred over the course of the last month p 90 o detectors (6-chip): Paced by Micron delivery, 136 ladders built so far, 107 A/B grade Enough ladders for barrel 4 Ladder production should proceed adequately p F Wedges (14-chip): Production proceeding at adequate pace Sensor and hdi availability not a problem Testing sensors is cumbersome p H Wedges (6-chip): 192 half wedges produced to date, 115 A/B grade Half wedge production proceeding adequately Glued 64 full wedges of which 33 A/B grade Encapsulation is slow and tedious process Enough wedges for first two H disks, enough graded for first
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 6 Production Status and Projection p Projected rates: assumed yieldcapacity 9-chip: >12.0/week 80% 15/wk 6-chip: 6.1/week 85% 10/wk H-wedge: 6.2 week 85% 10/wk F-wedge: 3.4/week 90% 15/wk p Slope for end game for 9-chip ladder production getting steeper ! Nominal completion date for ladder production still early September Nov 1, 00 Aug 28, 00 today
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 7 Production Rate
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 8 Production Schedule Summary 2 nd half cylinder “short tails” p Barrel assembly going to be driven by availability of 9-chip ladders p Enough 6-chip ladders available for barrel 4; trying to improve overall quality of ladders p 9-chip ladder production should pick up rapidly so no delay will be incurred
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 9 F Disk Status The Point of No Return p Disks 10 and 12 assembled Disk 10 first to be dropped in fallback scenarios p Disk 11 is being assembled; All 6 disks for first half cylinder completed p Thus, it is implicit that there is no descoping of the silicon detector! Any remaining fallback is in scheduling
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 10 Barrel / Disk Assembly and Mounting p Fixturing proceeding for barrel disk mounting and installation Barrel Removal Fixture, completed Barrel / Disk mating fixture, completed Barrel / Disk insertion fixture, behind schedule End Disk Assembly Insertion Fixture, behind schedule Silicon Support Cradle, “tumbler”, completed ……… p All barrels for first half cylinder done, but refitting of barrel 1 (grounding) final surveys of barrels p F disks: Preparation of central ring of end assembly Radiation Monitors p H disks CMM programming complete Ring assembly started. One side of first ring completed and ring flipped over p Support cylinder ready
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 11 10% Test p Interface Board design nearly complete “Acceptable” solution for cross talk still gives glitches »Need to implement ALTERA FPGA »Still to be tested more thoroughly »Design will then be frozen for first 2/15 production boards termination of bus lines decided Controls and Monitoring features of board have been verified Board submitted for bid; vendor visit this Friday p Interlock and Cooling system setup p Disk F14 installed and being exercised: run coolant at 55 o F downloading biasing readout L3 and examine p Plan to shake out system with disk F14 and then move to barrel/disk readout
PMG, Aug 03, 2000 Slide 12 Low Mass Cables p Delivery recently slowed down to 35/wk, whereas 56/wk needed, due to vacation and bereavement Keeping close watch on production p Enough cables available for first half cylinder