MDC Simulation Yuan Ye BESIII Collaboration Meeting
Simulation based on Geant4 Newest & final design parameters from MDC hardware group are used Ladder shape, different length for almost all layers, affect construct of stereo layers BESIII MDC
Geometry Construct Tube & Endplate Constructed by G4Tube solid
Geometry Construct Layers & Cells Inner field wire layer always have same wire number & distribution with sensitive wire layer Divide based on inner field wire layer Treat cell as equal ideal wedge,
Geometry Construct Straight Layers & Cells Use G4Tube Solid
Geometry Construct Stereo Layers & Cells Complicated part G4Hype J4TwistTube G4TwistTube
Shortcoming: must have same twist angle for inner & outer hyperboloid. Overlap between nearby stereo layers Adjust radius, add ~ mm gap between layers Geometry Construct Stereo Layers & Cells
Tracking & Hits Record Each step will be recorded as a hit LayerNo, CellNo, E deposit, T tof (Global time), D drift LR, , entrance = track - wire, Position,
Tracking & Hits Combine Combine hits of same cell to one hit MCTruth data are generated E= E deposit Do X-T conversion D drift etc. of hit have min( T drift +T tof ) Record primary track hit only Hits from different primary track are separated
Hits in MDC Tracking & Hit
Digitization Do digitization based on calibration results from exp. data, now from test beam Direct read those data from MdcCalibFunSvc of Framework, same with Reconstruction x ~ f(D drift, LR, , entrance, Position, E) X-T ~ f(LR, entrance )
Digitization Smear x = (f 1 2 +(1-f) 2 2 ) 1/2 Sample between 1 2 use f Sample use D digi =D drift + D smear If D digi <0, do again
Digitization X-T conversion D digi T drift Q-T Correct: T T digi = T drift + T tof + T A temporary noise model are added Simple model: ~C, ~1/r, ~1/r 2 Digitization can be controlled by user at run time: procedure, smear type, noise level, etc.
Some Results x ~110 m Spatial Residual More results see Zhang Yao’s & Wang Dayong’s reports
Summary Construct geometry : done Tracking & Hit : done Co-work with other subdetectors in Boost : done Beta version passed test and released in Boss 5.0 Digitization : a workable version Co-work within framework : done Have been used for Rec. tuning, stereo layer rotate study, etc.