Why would you ever change a great thing?
To make it better!
3 Things Cub Families Want 1. Active Fun Most parents will not bring their boys to Cub Scouts if they are not having fun. They just won’t. 2. Well Organized Parents like packs in which the activities are well planned and which have good communication between leaders and with scout families. 3. Advancements Boys should be earning their rank badges as the year progresses, and they should receive recognition for the advancements they have earned.
The ‘old’ Ideal In-Home Advancement Weekly Den Meetings Fun Pack Meetings
Reality Challenges the Ideal Societal Obstacles Changes in family structures Increased demands on parental time More competition for boys’ interest
The ‘new’ Ideal Weekly Den Meetings Fun Pack Meetings Advancements In Den
New delivery of the current quality program
What is Cub Scouts 2010? It’s Cub Scouts (the 2010 is when it starts) It’s a method of delivering the existing program that is handbook based and focuses on den meeting activities leading to youth advancement. –Recognizes shift in family dynamics by moving MOST advancement into the den –Provides den leaders with specific den meeting plans to ease planning and enhance meeting organization
What’s Not Changing? Foundational elements of the Cub Scouting program (purpose, methods, core values, etc.) Youth handbooks, achievement activities or advancement requirements Pack meeting structure (7 steps) Role of Roundtable in communications & training
What Is Changing? Themes as we know them (craft/seasonally based) will be eliminated Themes will be replaced by a monthly focus on the twelve core values of Cub Scouting : September 2010CooperationMarch 2011Compassion October 2010ResponsibilityApril 2011Faith November 2010CitizenshipMay 2011Health and Fitness December 2010RespectJune 2011Perseverance January 2011 Positive Attitude July 2011Courage February 2011ResourcefulnessAugust 2011Honesty
What’s Changing? Majority of advancement happens in den (not a change for many) In-den advancement: den leader signs handbook In-home advancement: parent/guardian signs & den leader initials to acknowledge One Cub Scout den meeting structure 7 steps: Share/Discover/Search no longer part of Tiger Cub den meeting structure All Ranks Before the Meeting Gathering Opening Business Items Activities Closing After the Meeting
What’s Changing Training is changing to recognize: –The change in delivery method –The increasing time pressures on our volunteers New Fast Start for Den Leaders and Cubmasters –Less Scouting history, BSA organization and administration –More about how to run den/pack meetings and use the new delivery method Revised Position Specific: –New online version for den leaders, Cubmasters and pack trainers –Continued support for in-person training
What Is Changing? New Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide Replaces the annual Program Helps Designed as “one- stop” resource for den leaders & Cubmasters Available at Scout Shops and online
Resource Guide Availability New plans and the Resource Guide will be offered as follows: OptionPricingDescription/Functionality 1. Individual Item Download No Charge Download plans individually. This is the functionality/pricing today with Fast Tracks. 2. Full Resource Guide Download TBDOne download, full book, all ranks 3. Purchase Physical Resource Guide TBD Physical Resource Guide, three hole punched, shrink wrapped.
Rollout Schedule - Publications PublicationNature of Change Timing/Comments Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide New3/15 CS Leader BookMajor Re-write3/15 w/ new cover, shorter with less duplication CS Roundtable GuideNew3/15 w/ new cover Advancement Committee Policies & Procedures Minor1/2010, subsequent reprint will have new cover. CS Academics & Sports13 new awards1/2010, subsequent reprint will have new cover. CS Leader How To BookNo changesNew next reprint Webelos Leader GuideTBD5/2010 w/ new cover Youth HandbooksMinor revisionsAs Supply requires (Summer 2010+)
Rollout Schedule - Training TrainingTiming/Comments Fast Start Training for Den Leaders & Cubmasters April Position Specific Leader Training (PowerPoint)April Position Specific Leader Training (Online)May
More fun More advancement More activities Better program Meetings more fun & easier to run Planning & execution simplified Pack operates together More recognition & parental involvement More retention Boys stay in Scouting longer! So What’s In It For Cub Scouting? YOUTHPARENTS
Cub Scout 2010 questions?