1 CS203 Teen Role Models Bruce Miller November 8, 2014
How To Utilize Den Chiefs What is a Den Chief? An older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout or Venturer working with a Cub Scout or Webelos den Selected by Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader in cooperation with the Cubmaster May be any age or rank, but helpful as a former Cub Scout Must be mature enough to accept this responsibility. Helps younger boys complete their Cub or Webelos Scout requirements Lives up to Cub Scouting’s ideals in everyday life 2
How To Utilize Den Chiefs What is a Den Chief? Member of Cub Scout Leadership Team Den Leader Assistant Den Leader Denner A Boy Scout, preferably First Class Chosen by the Scoutmaster Varsity Coach or Venturing Advisor A Role Model for and a Leader among youngsters 3
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Responsibilities of the Den Chief Know the purposes of Cub Scouting Help Cub Scouts achieve the purposes of Cub Scouting Be the activities assistant in the den meeting Set a good example by attitude and uniforming Take part in weekly meetings Assist den in part of the monthly pack meeting program Be a friend to the boys in the den Know the importance of the monthly theme Meet as needed with the adult leaders of the den, pack and troop 4
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Know the Purposes of Cub Scouting Cub Scouting is a year round program of the Boy Scouts of America For Boys in the First thru Fifth Grades Parents, Leaders and Organizations working together to achieve the 10 Purposes of Cub Scouting 5
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Ten Purposes of Cub Scouting 1.Character Development 2.Spiritual Growth 3.Good Citizenship 4.Sportsmanship 5.Family Understanding 6.Respectful Relationships 7.Personal Achievement 8.Friendly Service 9.Adventure 10.Preparation for Boy Scouts 6
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Help Cubs Achieve The Purposes of Cub Scouting Emphasizes action, achievement, healthfulness and helpfulness. Through the program, a boy learns about respect for God, his country, his home and other people. He is also given opportunities to take part in activities and to do things for others – a vital part of good citizenship. Know the Tiger Cub Motto Know the Cub Scout Promise / Law of the Pack Know the Cub Scout Sign Know the Cub Scout Motto Know the Cub Scout Handshake Know the Cub Scout Salute 7
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Understands the Character Connections 1.Citizenship 2.Compassion 3.Cooperation 4.Courage 5.Faith 6.Health and Fitness 7.Honesty 8.Perseverance 9.Positive Attitude 10.Resourcefulness 11.Respect 12.Responsibility 8
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Activities Assistant Leads Games Helps or Leads Stunts and Skits Leads Songs Leads Sports Lead / Help with Uniform Inspections Helps Den Leader maintain good behavior from Cub Scouts Helps set up and remove displays at the Pack meeting Helps return Pack Meeting room to order 9
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Den Chief Should Set A Good Example Attitude Uniforming Great Recruiting Tool for Boy Scout Troops Take Part in Den Meetings Assist with the Pack Meeting Program Be A Friend Meet with Adult Leaders 10
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Understands the Den Meeting Structure Preparation for the Meeting The Gathering Openings Activities Closing After the Meeting The Den Chief is a Part of the Den Leadership 11
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Helps Cubs with Advancement Help the Den Chief learn what is needed for Rank Advancements Help with Special Outings or Field Trips Encourage Boys to Stay in Scouting Build friendships with Cubs Recruiting for Troops 12
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Den Leader Responsibilities Help Den Chief earn the Den Chief Service Award Recognize Den Chief during Advancement Ceremonies Allows Cubs to see the Den Chief is earning as a –Boy Scout –Varsity Scout or –Venturer Clearly Communicate Expectations to Den Chief Make Sure Den Chief Knows and Understands Safe Scouting Enforce Three Strike Rule Verbal Warning Written Warning – contact Scoutmaster or Unit SPL Good bye 13
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Ways To Keep Your Den Chief Happy Recognize him at the first Pack meeting Makes sure he has a Den Chief Handbook See that he attends a Den Chief Training Conference Give him important jobs Be Patient…he’s just a boy or girl Understand his abilities and limitations Help him to feel he is successful Do Not leave discipline problems to him Recognize him on his birthday or other special occasions At Den/Pack meetings, Congratulate when he receives a Boy Scout Rank Award Present his Den Chief cord or badge at a Troop Court of Honor in front of his peers 14
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Questions?? 15
How To Utilize Den Chiefs Header goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Text goes here. Bullet three text goes here Subtitle Two text goes here 17