APWH Era 5 Review
Quilt Puzzle Review Teacher cuts the puzzle into squares. Students work collaboratively to match the terms/definitions, biographies/accomplishment, or events/significance. The final shape is a rectangle. There are no answers around the outside edge. Students can check their work if a picture is drawn on the back of the completed puzzle.
Front of Game Pieces Results of the Meiji Restoration Immigration patterns in the 1800s Most important British colonial possessions in the 19th & 20th centuries Middle class expanded, the industrial working class grew, Commoners could Established authoritarian regimes in Latin Anerica Results of the Meiji Restoration India Caudillos Industrialization, especially railroad construction Zamindars Discovery of this resource led to turmoil in South Africa Led to increasing intervention by governments in society Characterized by large numbers of Europeans & Asians immigrating to North & South America Native officials who administered parts of India for the British Diamonds China’s refusal to export foreign goods Ideologies used to gain support in Latin American Revolutions Cause of the Opium War Freedom for slaves and equal rights to all Achieved only limited improvements Tanzimat Reforms Group that combated the East African slave trade Industrial Revolution, social reform, land reforms, nationalism Marxist beliefs Conservatism Front of Game Pieces Upper classes exploit the lower classes, capitalism lead to inequality, violent revolution may be needed Influenced/ advocated by 1848 Revolutionarie Ideology of the Congress of Vienna Western missionaries Dowager Empress and elites would not allow limits to their authority Creoles 19th century Chinese inability to reform/modernize Characterized by a sense of western superiority & a build up of naval bases Led most of the independence movements in Latin America “New” Imperialism Lack of food, debt, too much power in the hands of the king & nobles Qing China reforms Ideology that replaced loyalty to the Church after the French Rev. Intellectual cause of the French & American Revolutions
Front of Game Pieces The Enlightenment Self-imposed isolation Causes of the French Revolution Were only somewhat successful Native populations in Latin America Nationalism The Enlightenment Crimean War Self-imposed isolation Revealed Russia’s 19th century underdevelopment Emperor’s authority was returned and political power was centralized Japan before the arrival of Commodore Perry Meiji Restoration Inability of leaders to keep moderate and radical revolutionaries united British colonial practice in India Opposed internal Ottoman reforms Religious, political, and social elites Trait shared by both the French & Mexican Revolutions Defeated princes were left on the throne and controlled Remained outside the national political life Superior European military and transportation technologies Russia Caused a revival in the Atlantic slave trade Biggest threat to Japanese colonial aspirations Likely reason for the success of European imperialism Industrialization and subsequent increased demand for cotton Aspect of Japanese industrialization that differed from European industrialization Brazilian independence Successful wars against France Causes for the decline of the Ottoman Empire Front of Game Pieces Weak rulers, frequent military defeat, resentment of Christians How Britain first acquired its empire in India Directed by the government Declared by the Portuguese regent, who became emperor Institutions/ technologies exported to India from Britain Sources for raw minerals and potential markets Following Latin American independence Telegraph, railroad, western-style education, social reforms Purpose for most colonies Legal systems of discrimination ended Qing rulers European power (besides G.B.) that most benefitted from industrialization Enlightenment ideas, growing business class, industrialization Opium War
Front of Game Pieces German Empire Resulted in China being forced to open its ports to European trade German Empire Young Turk leaders Reinforced Confucian social values Causes of change in Western Europe Changed the strategic importance of Egypt Autocracy, Orthodoxy, nationalism Sought Muslim solutions to internal problems Suez Canal Characteristics of ideas/philosophies of 19th century Russian elites Front of Game Pieces