1mol=1moleculgram disolved particle Osmol : 1Osmol =1mol disolved particles 1mol=1moleculgram disolved particle
Measurement of osmolarity a solution Vant hoff law : Osm=CxNx C=concentration N=number of particles =osmotic coefficient
Supply the solution of Nacl 290 mosm Osm= CxNx 0.29=Cx2x0.93 C=0.155mol = 9.067 gr 1mol Nacl 58.5gr 0.155 x=9.067gr Nacl = 0.93
Isotonic solutions Exert the same osmotic pressure as red blood cells. Medically 5% glucose and 0.9% NaCl are used their solute concentrations provide an osmotic pressure equal to that of red blood cells H2O
Hypotonic Solutions Lower osmotic pressure than red blood cells Lower concentration of particles than RBCs In a hypotonic solution, water flows into the RBC The RBC undergoes hemolysis; it swells and may burst. H2O
Hypertonic Solutions Has higher osmotic pressure than RBC Has a higher particle concentration In hypertonic solutions, water flows out of the RBC The RBC shrinks in size H2O
Isosmotic solutions Equal osmolarity But may still result in a change in cell volume Due to differences in the electrochemical gradient Or membrane permeability to particular solutes 11
A little sedimentation Some swell RBC Post centrifuge observation Microscopic observation transparency result New NaCl concentration Distiled water volume Volume of Nacl2% No Cloudy plasma, No sedimentation No cell Complete transparent Complete hemolysis 0% 5 1 0.1% 4.75 .25 2 Cloudy plasma A little sedimentation Some swell RBC Semi transparent Relative hemolysis, Swell young RBCs 0.4% 4 3 Semi Cloudy plasma More sedimentation Swell RBC Cloudy Swell, hemolysis ofold RBCs 0.6% 3.5 1.5 Normal sedimentation NL RBC cloudy normal 0.9% 2.75 2.25 Less sedimentation Shrinkage RBC shrinkage 2% 6
Post centrifuge observation Microscopic observation transparency result NO Cloudy plasma, No sedimentation No cell Complete transparent Complete hemolysis Iso osmotic urea 7 Normal sedimentation NL RBC Cloudy Shrink age, then normal Iso osmotic urea,isotonic NaCl 8 More sedimentation Some swell RBC Raletive Swell Iso osmotic KCl 9 Unknown solution 10
Hypotonic solution