School Funding Reform Funding arrangements from April 2014
Overview National context What’s been happening in Devon Formula detail De-delegation/ Central Services High needs and SEN funding Timetable Questions?
National Context Working assumption – NFF from Likely to be phased redistribution of funding Pupil led funding – pupil’s needs before institutions Greater autonomy for local decision making – more money out to schools but more responsibility to deliver
What’s been happening MP’s – lobbying for fair funding and recognition of local issues Active members of F40 national formula research team Assessing impact of reforms on individual schools Review of SEN and high needs funding
DSG Allocation Cash flat – no more money Growth has to be absorbed Includes Post 16 and 2 year olds SEN: 0-25
Formula Detail (page 3 – 11) 13 allowable factors 2 new factors: sparsity and targeted mobility Mandatory thresholds for AWPU, proportion of pupil-led funding and school’s contribution to high needs costs Different lump sum for primary and secondary
Formula Detail Allowable Factors AWPUMobility > 10% DeprivationLump sum: £60k/£145k Looked After ChildrenSparsity Low cost, high incidence SEN (LCHI) Rates English as an additional language (EAL) Split sites & PFI
Formula funding
School A School B School C 1 mile 2 miles 1 mile 3 miles 5 miles 2 miles Does School A qualify for sparsity funding? YES - Average distance to 2 nd nearest school = 2.38 miles YES – It has fewer than 60 primary pupils How much sparsity funding will it get? LA has set a sparsity lump sum of £60,000 (to match the primary lump sum). School A has 40 pupils. It will therefore attract a sparsity lump sum of £20,000 under the tapering approach. Because the school is two thirds the standard size, it gets one thirds of the sparseness factor. 4 miles Key 1 st nearest school Distance to 2 nd nearest school
Delegation and Centrally Provided Services
SEN and High Needs ElementHow High Needs funding works Funding source Element 3 £5.3m Top-upHigh Needs Block Named pupils – costs higher than AWPU + £6,000 Additional support for Element 2 £2.8m High levels SEN/Small schools High Needs Block Targeted fund – pupil led but criteria driven. Have to qualify for funding Element 2 £12m First £6k of high needs funding School BudgetFormula led Element 1AWPUSchool budgetBasic entitlement – all pupils receive this – formula led
High Needs Element 2 £ 12m allocated via formula directly into schools budgets to fund the first £6,000 of additional support for high cost low incidence SEN (not on named pupils) PrimarySecondary FSM+6 Prior Attainment Pupil NumbersPupil numbers LAC
LCHI SEN For Low Cost High Incidence (LCHI) SEN - for children who have additional need but not necessarily high need Distributed through formula directly into schools budgets School wide – not named children
LCHI SEN To contribute to the costs of whole school’s additional SEN arrangements * Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index Primary FormulaSecondary Formula LCHI SEN FSM+6Prior Attainment IDACI*
Targeted Fund - HNB Support for Element 2 first £6k for High Needs - where formula doesn’t deliver Statements above 3% (P) 2.5% (S) will receive additional funding for the £6,000’s as well as top up All schools with at least one pupil receiving top up must get at least £6,000 (mainly small school issue but applies to all schools)
Targeted Fund - HNB Support for Low Cost High Incidence SEN No school will receive less than £5,000 from the LCHI formula Combined this means that: A school with at least one pupil receiving top up funding must receive a minimum of £11,000 SEN funding
Targeted Fund - HNB Transitional protection Interim arrangement for 13/14 ends If a shortfall compared to previous system of fully funding Elements 2 & 3 – 50% protection ONE YEAR ONLY! SNIPS: Special Needs Intervention Panel –Schools. Exceptional circumstances only
High Needs Element 2 Examples
High Needs Element 3 Robust process to access top up funding SEN – new ways of working: Education Health Care Plans Need to deliver a single system to access the HNB – fair and consistent See Appendix 3 consultation document Plan for change now!
Timetable 27 th September – consultation ends 3 rd October – census day 18 th October – DEF formally recommend 31 st October – submit to EFA 10 th December – DfE confirms DSG block allocations 23 rd December – High Needs Places confirmed to EFA
Timetable 21 st January – Deadline for LA to submit final budget to EFA 28 th February – LA’s confirm budgets to maintained schools 31 st March – EFA confirm budgets to academies
Further information Devon’s consultation website: tions tions DfE website: Got a query? Check our on-line FAQ’s or post your own using the on-line enquiry form on our consultation website