1 Service-Oriented Architecture in the Federal Government: SOA CoP Status Report and Update Dr. Brand Niemann, US EPA Senior Enterprise Architect and Federal SOA CoP, Co-Chair The Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner, McLean, VA February 27, 2007 Google: SOACoPDemo3 Practical Guide to SOA Implementation SOA for E-Government 2007
2 INPUT Providing educational and networking opportunities for government and industry. INPUT hosts a wide variety of events that connect government officials and technology vendors and provide in-depth coverage of high priority topics in the government IT market. Our industry-leading events help you find business opportunities, identify trends shaping the market, and build relationships with your peers.
3 Prospectus The increasing need for federal agencies to demonstrate business value with substantial return on investment is driving federal enterprise architects and capital business planners to seek best practices in the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) arena. Service-oriented architecture promises a world of flexible and interoperable software components that will increase efficiencies, lower operational costs and improve effectiveness across the enterprise.
4 Prospectus Join INPUT for a status report on SOA in the government. You will hear from government and industry leaders on the progress government has made in implementing SOA, current and proposed projects, and find out what challenges lie ahead.
5 Promises Key industry and government representatives will discuss: –Current approaches to driving IT consolidation, increasing efficiencies and reducing operational costs. –Where SOA is being implemented in the government and how the vendor community is involved. –Best practices on how to effectively implement SOA.
6 Introductory Remarks Thank you for inviting me to participate and I will be speaking in my SOA CoP role and not my EPA Senior Enterprise Architect role today. Also see the SOA CoP Key Messages and Opportunities in your handouts. Listening to the excellent previous presentations and discussions, I conclude: –If ever we needed a loosely-coupled, but inclusive, organization to bring all of this together: A Community of Practice like the SOA CoP which Forrester Research credits with making “SOA Hot In Government”. –If ever we needed a trusted reference knowledge source: Like Wikipedia, the Number 1 Best Research Site on the Internet, and Google for our SOA CoP Wiki pages.
7 Community of Practice The process of social learning that occurs when people who have a common interest in some subject or problem collaborate over an extended period to share ideas, find solutions, and build innovations. –From Wikipedia at: CIOC Communities of Practice: –From CIO Council at:
8 Service Oriented Architecture A software architecture that defines the use of loosely coupled software services to support the requirements of business processes and software users. Resources on a network in an SOA environment are made available as independent services that can be accessed without knowledge of their underlying platform implementation. –From Wikipedia at:
9 “Why Is SOA Hot in Government?” “Brand Niemann was instrumental in organizing two SOA conferences for federal practitioners in 2006, and he sees the responsibility for SOA coordination and governance moving to the EA community:” –“The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) focuses on the [Office of Management and Budget] OMB budget process and project management while SOA is the actual modeling of complex IT and governance environments like [General Services Administration] GSA is doing for the financial management line of business (LoB). Both are needed and can be complementary and the SOA community of practice (CoP) is about ‘dynamic partnering’ in support of the LoBs, the new Federal Transition Framework (FTF), and the new Data Reference Model 2.0 Management Strategy.
10 “Why Is SOA Hot in Government?” Continued: –More and more, the answer is SOA. We’ve heard about pilots, successes, and failures, and now, everyone is recognizing it as the way to go. All EA meetings seem to be about SOA, especially SOA governance: SOA is bubbling up all around the architects, so they’re figuring it’s their role to govern and coordinate the activity. The rapid success of the SOA community of practice is an indicator that there has been pent-up demand for sharing best practices about SOA — we had to cap registration at the first ‘SOA for E-Government’ Conference in May 2006 at 200, we added extra space for the October conference and we filled that up at 320 registrants.” Source: December 12, 2006, Why Is SOA Hot In Government?, by Gene Leganza, Forrester Research, page 3. –
11 SOA CoP Bringing Together: –Global Information Grid (W2COG and GIGLite) –W3C (Workshop on Web of Services for Enterprise Computing) –SOA Consortium and SOA Alliance (SOA Practitioners Guide) –Shared Services CoP (Harvard’s Leadership for a Networked World Program) –Custom, Proprietary, Open-Source or Community-Source Software (see next slide) At the 3rd SOA for E-Government Conference, May 1-2, 2007, at MITRE, McLean, Virginia: –Register at: –Google: SOA for E-Government 2007
12 When to Use Custom, Proprietary, Open-Source or Community-Source Software Public-sector IT organizations (and government in particular) are in a unique position to consider community-source solutions — built by a tightly knit cluster of similar organizations — to address some of their application requirements. –Source: Andrea Di Maio, Gartner Research, Publication Date: 16 February ID Number: G Community source describes a model for the purposeful coordination of work in a community. It is based on many of the principles of open-source development efforts, but community source efforts rely more explicitly on defined roles, responsibilities and funded commitments by community members than some open-source development models. –Source:
13 Webcasts Schedule March 1 st : 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET: –Is Your Agency Ready for Open Source SOA? Eric Newcomer, CTO, IONA, on how you can leverage open source within the Federal enterprise. IONA and DLT discuss a unique approach to open source distributed SOA infrastructure that allows you to leverage existing assets, streamline and modernize while recognizing increased ROI. Understand how weather agencies are making the move to open source today. –Register at: March 21th and April 11 th: –Celtix 101/Jumpstart - what is Celtix and Jumpstart, its components, feature/function, extension and futures. Date TBA: –Celtix 101A.
14 SOA CoP Status Report & Update December 4, 2006: SOA CoP at the OMG Meeting: –Support for the SOA Consortium. December 19, 2006: Town Hall for SOA Management Strategies: –Support for Practical Guide to SOA Implementation. January 23, 2007: SOA CoP at the Collaborative Expedition Workshop: –Support for the Open Group SOA Ontology. February 13, 2007: SOA CoP at the FCW/Adobe SOA Essentials: What Department Heads Need to Know: –Phase 3 Demo with Open Source SOA Infrastructure and Practical Guide to SOA Implementation - Federal Jump Start Kit Announced.
15 SOA CoP Status Report & Update March 19, 2007: Best Practices Committee Meeting: –Service Systems and GIGLite Community. March 20, 2007: XML CoP and XBRL CoP Meeting at FOSE 2007: –Phase 3 Demo and 3rd SOA for E-Government Conference. March 30, 2007: Net Centric Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC) Plenary Meeting: –SOA Demos and Testbeds: SOA CoP Status and Update, IONA: ESBs and Federal Jump Start Kit, W2COG/GIGLite Community, and Model-driven Phase 3.
16 Key Questions and Answers Why are government agencies rushing to support a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)? The deployment of SOA is expected to help transform the way government services are delivered, breaking down silos and lowering costs. (see slide 17-21) How do you define SOA? (see slide 22) Do you know how SOA will impact your agency and its constituents? (see slide 23) Are you having trouble getting started? (see slides 24-26) See for a wealth of information on these and other questions and topics.
17 The Business Value of Enterprise Architecture and SOA The Value Proposition of a SOA: –We implement SOA for two major reasons. First is the ability to save development dollars through reuse of services. Second is the ability to change the IT infrastructure faster to adapt to changing needs of the business, or agility. Value = (NSR*DR) * C, where the Number of Services available for Reuse (NSR), the Degree of Reuse (DR) from system to system, as well as the Complexity (C) of each service: –For example, if you have 100 services available for reuse (NSR=100), and the degree of reuse is at 50 percent (DR=.50), and complexity of each service is, on average, at 300 function points, the value would look like this: Value = (100*.5) * 300 Or Value = 15,000, in terms of reuse.
18 Service Systems Steps Toward a Science of Service Systems, Jim Spohrer, et al, IBM Almaden Research Center, IEEE, January 2007, pp : –The Service sector accounts for most of the world’s economic activity, but it’s the least studied part of the economy. A service system comprises people and technologies that adaptively compute and adjust to a system’s changing value of knowledge. A science of service systems could provide theory and practice around service innovation.
19 Service Systems Steps Toward a Science of Service Systems (continued): –A service system is a value-coproduction configuration of people, technology, other internal and external services systems, and shared information (such as language, processes, metrics, prices, policies, and laws). –The capabilities required to provision a services between service systems are distributed among people, technology, other service systems, and shared information.
20 Service Systems Steps Toward a Science of Service Systems (continued): –The result of the coevolution is a capability infrastructure that can augment knowledge workers and improve organizations collective intelligence (Doug Engelbart, 1962 and 1980). –Service systems integrate people, technology, and information resources in different proportions. As a result, each system is unique, resulting in situations in which the revenue and profits scale differently (see next slide figure).
21 Service Systems Revenues Profits Source: Figure 2 in Steps Toward a Science of Service Systems, Jim Spohrer, et al, IBM Almaden Research Center, IEEE, January 2007, pp Information Technology Software as a service Labor
22 Abstraction, Indirection, and Loose Coupling Architects of both software and physical structures routinely use the principle of abstraction to isolate complex components and reduce the scope of a problem to be solved (“see the forest for the trees”). –By definition, ontology is abstraction and is the ultimate abstraction tool for information. Indirection is a concept that is used to plan for future uncertainty. Simply put, indirection is when two things need to be coupled, but instead of coupling them directly, a third thing is used to mediate direct, brittle connections between them. Chapter 7 in Adaptive Information: Improving Business Through Semantic Interoperability, Grid Computing, and Enterprise Integration, Pollock and Hodgson, Wiley Inter-science, 2004.
23 Getting Started A Practical Way to See If SOA Has Business Value for Your Organization: –Learn more about SOA by working on the Practical Guide to SOA Implementation. –Participate in the Phase 3 Super-pilot built on Open Source SOA Infrastructure. –Participate in the 3 rd SOA for E-Government Conference (May 1-2, 2007, MITRE): Register: ACT/IAC SOA Committee Survey: iac.org/soasurvey
24 Phase 3 Super-pilot Built on Open Source SOA Infrastructure IONA Federal Jumpstart Program - Accelerate the adoption of Open Source SOA*: –Confusion about how to get started with SOA. –A Federally-applicable demonstration delivered on a pre-configured virtual appliance. –A reference implementation geared to incremental adoption of SOA components. –A “sandbox” for SOA experimentation - Allows experimentation of SOA components and/or intermediaries. –Visualize applicable use cases with a highly scalable, easily accessible SOA infrastructure. * IMPORTANT NOTE: All vendors with Open Source SOA Enterprise Service Buses (ESB) are especially invited to participate.
25 Phase 3 Super-pilot Built on Open Source SOA Infrastructure Use Cases: –1. SOA CoP Phase 2 Demo: Cory Casanave, ModelDriven.Org, Lead –2. SOA CoP Phase 3 Demo: Bob Kilker, IONA, Lead. –3. Maritime Domain Awareness, Bob Kilker, IONA –4. Financial Data, XML CoP, XBRL CoP, Association of Government Accounts, etc. Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006: – d_Transparency_Act_of_2006
26 Discussion Topics The core concepts within a service oriented environment. Top concerns with implementing SOA. Key strategies (see slide 27). How SOA can positively impact your agency (slide 28). Web services – a case study in SOA (see slide 29). See for answers and best practice examples of all of these topics.
27 Key Strategies US Government…SOA To the Rescue?, David Linthicum, Closing Keynote at the 2nd SOA for E-Government Conference, October 30-31, 2007: –5 Ways to Make Your SOA a Success: Understand the pain. Define the value. Focus on understanding (Steps to SOA). Remember the people. Focus longer term.
28 For the Best Agency SOA Application at the 2nd SOA for E-Government Conference, October 30-31, 2006, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition Bob Brown (US Patent & Trademark Office) Federal CIO Council’s Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP Best Practices and Architecture & Infrastructure Committees of the Federal Chief Information Officers Council See “Software Smarts”:
29 SOA CoP Phase 2 Demo Business Intelligence (Reports/Dashboard) NEF Program (Manages Projects) Employee (Reports Time) Finance LoB (Calculates Costs) HR/Payroll - LoB (Allocates Time to Projects) Contractor (Produces Invoices) MetaMatrix Data Services Sun MicroSystems DynAccSys Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Form Data Access Executable Model Data Access Executable Model Dashboard Client Implementation