CSDAT Question 3 Eduardo Gutentag Mary Kay Blantz
From Sapporo Q3) What is the relationship with other Organizations (like SDOs)? What is the relationship of CEFACT.... in terms of jointly developed standards? -> Need different level of relationships What should/will/can be... and this is the current situation What is the nature of the relationship... How the different organization participate Reference to MoU. But this is already defined... What is the benefit of this relationship? Is another question (not covered here) Need some guidance how this relations are organized Prior work done here by a report of Mark Palmer "How many invoices will be defined by CEFACT" Discussion related here because other SDOs may specify "subtypes" of Invoice-specs. Proposal: Rephrase question to SDOs and closely related Organizations. Orgs. with MoU should also be interested in this and also their feedback
Question Do we need to define different kinds of relationships with the different levels of organizations? (Formal, regional, consortia)
Levels of Relationships Participant in UN/CEFACT Members of Mgmt MoU Other MoU (with ECE) Informal relationship/liaison Potential relationship
Participant in UN/CEFACT ACORD eAC (AFACT) eBIX EDIFICE Global automotive GS1 IATA IMO OAGi UIC RosettaNet SBR-XBRL SITPRO SWIFT UBL UNCTAD UNEP US government agencies (BTA, DLA, DCMA, DLMSO, GSA) WCO X MA Designated NGO’s
MoU Mgmt Member ISO IEC ITU UNECE Recognized international user groups: –CALS International –NATO CALS –OASIS –OAGi –CEN/ISSS –EAN (GS1?) –SWIFT
Informal Relationship/Liaison CEN/BII Other UN agencies (UNESCAP) APEC African eCommerce Alliance ISO TC 204 ISO TC 68 ISO TC 154 ISO TC 211 (Transport?)
Potential Relationship ASEAN Bank regulators? BSI CENELEC CESI CNIS ETSI Gas Industry HL7 NIST Oil Industry PAA WTO Plenary participants who do not participate in the Forum Regional regulatory agencies (not SDOs)
Questions Do jointly developed standards exist now? –TDED (but this is UNECE, not CEFACT) –9735 (is this CEFACT or UNECE?) Does UN/CEFACT have a process for jointly developing standards? –If not, should one be developed?