Welcome to AY 101 – S004 Professor: Dr. Jimmy Irwin Meeting Room: Gallalee Hall 227 Class time: MWF 11:00-11:50 Course website: Introduction to Astronomy
Course Goals 1)Learn astronomy! (impress friends and family) - While there are some terms you will need to memorize (like any topic) this course is not exclusively about rote memorization. - Course is about learning, and how to make sense of the Universe around you. - e.g., How do black holes form? What is dark matter made of? - Not: Exactly how many moons does Jupiter have? What is the exact mass of the Moon?
Course Goals 2) Learn to think critically! - if everyone could think critically, there would be no snake oil salesmen, comet pill sellers, 2012 Mayan calendar doomers, etc. - more seriously, you’ll need critical thinking skills to vote on important topics: - Is global warming a concern or not? - Nuclear power: safe or not?
What This Course Isn’t About What won’t be covered in this course: - mathematical astronomical concepts (AY204 and AY206) - how to use a telescope (AY203) - where is Mars? How do I find the constellations? - astrology What won’t be covered in this course: - mathematical astronomical concepts (AY204 and AY206) - how to use a telescope (AY203) - where is Mars? How do I find the constellations? - astrology
Should I Take AY101 or AY204/AY206? We do not recommend taking AY101 before AY204/AY206 (as it is not necessary). If you plan on being an astronomy major/minor, or an engineer planning to take AY204/AY206 later, or just want a more mathematically-challenging astronomy class, do not take AY101. We do not recommend taking AY101 before AY204/AY206 (as it is not necessary). If you plan on being an astronomy major/minor, or an engineer planning to take AY204/AY206 later, or just want a more mathematically-challenging astronomy class, do not take AY101.
Math Level Math level in this course? In general there will be no strenuous math when we discuss the concepts. But…… Be familiar with: Scientific notation 0.001= Distance to Sun 15,000,000,000,000 cm = 1.5x10 13 cm Manipulate simple equations: e.g., if your distance from the Earth goes up a factor of 2, the force of gravity you feel from it feels goes down by a factor of 4 Math level in this course? In general there will be no strenuous math when we discuss the concepts. But…… Be familiar with: Scientific notation 0.001= Distance to Sun 15,000,000,000,000 cm = 1.5x10 13 cm Manipulate simple equations: e.g., if your distance from the Earth goes up a factor of 2, the force of gravity you feel from it feels goes down by a factor of 4
is your source of information for the course. In addition to seeing the syllabus, you can download the Powerpoint/PDF lectures here after each class. You can type this address in directly, or reach it by clicking on “Course webpage/syllabus (updated)” on your Blackboard page for this course. Course Website
Course Webpage
Office Hours Tuesday: 10:00 PM-12:00 PM Thursday 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Other hours by appointment Gallalee Hall Room 311C (go ahead and enter Room 311 without knocking) Utilize office hours! Don’t wait until the last week of the term! Tuesday: 10:00 PM-12:00 PM Thursday 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Other hours by appointment Gallalee Hall Room 311C (go ahead and enter Room 311 without knocking) Utilize office hours! Don’t wait until the last week of the term!
Course grade Homework (online) 18% Class Participation (clickers) 10% 3 regular exams 18% (each) Final Exam 18% The Final Exam is not comprehensive. If you miss an exam with a documented excuse, you can take a 5 th comprehensive exam after the Final to make up for it. Homework (online) 18% Class Participation (clickers) 10% 3 regular exams 18% (each) Final Exam 18% The Final Exam is not comprehensive. If you miss an exam with a documented excuse, you can take a 5 th comprehensive exam after the Final to make up for it.
Attendance and Class Participation Class participation will be measured daily from clicker questions, and will represent 10% of your course grade. Questions generally worth 4 points: 2 points for participating and 2 points for a correct answer. You may drop your bottom four scores at the end of the semester. As such, there will not be an opportunity to make-up missed clicker questions. Class participation will be measured daily from clicker questions, and will represent 10% of your course grade. Questions generally worth 4 points: 2 points for participating and 2 points for a correct answer. You may drop your bottom four scores at the end of the semester. As such, there will not be an opportunity to make-up missed clicker questions.
Attendance and Class Participation Since you may miss up to four classes this semester without penalty, there is no need to bring me doctor’s excuses for absences due to illness. Just use one of your four “freebies”. In fact, you may use your four freebie absences any way you wish without notice -- but use them wisely! Since you may miss up to four classes this semester without penalty, there is no need to bring me doctor’s excuses for absences due to illness. Just use one of your four “freebies”. In fact, you may use your four freebie absences any way you wish without notice -- but use them wisely!
Electronic Devices No electronic devices are allowed during exam time. No social network, watching movies, or other non-academic use of electronic devices allowed during lectures. No electronic devices are allowed during exam time. No social network, watching movies, or other non-academic use of electronic devices allowed during lectures.
Extra Credit In general, there will be no extra credit in this class (with a few noted exceptions). However, the grading scale is softer than the usual 90%/80%/70%/60% - A/B/C/D grading scale. In general, there will be no extra credit in this class (with a few noted exceptions). However, the grading scale is softer than the usual 90%/80%/70%/60% - A/B/C/D grading scale.
The Essential Cosmic Perspective by Bennett, Donahue, Schneider, & Voit (7th Edition) Can be found at the SupeStore. Is bundled with MasteringAstronomy.com homework suite Textbook
Homework There will be near-weekly homework assignments that represent 18% of your grade. Homework will be done and submitted electronically on MasteringAstronomy.com. The access code for Mastering Astronomy is bundled with your textbook (if you bought it at the SupeStore). From Blackboard, click on "MasteringAstronomy.com instructions") to receive instructions on setting up an account on Mastering Astronomy. The course ID for this class is: IRWINAY101F2015 There will be near-weekly homework assignments that represent 18% of your grade. Homework will be done and submitted electronically on MasteringAstronomy.com. The access code for Mastering Astronomy is bundled with your textbook (if you bought it at the SupeStore). From Blackboard, click on "MasteringAstronomy.com instructions") to receive instructions on setting up an account on Mastering Astronomy. The course ID for this class is: IRWINAY101F2015
Homework – if you do not buy your textbook from the SupeStore If you do not buy your textbook from the SupeStore, you will need to buy an a homework access code separately at MasteringAstronomy.com. IMPORTANT – be SURE to choose the right “Essential Cosmic Perspective” when signing up for Mastering Astronomy if you are buying an access code online (causes big problems otherwise). Choose 7 th edition, this cover If you do not buy your textbook from the SupeStore, you will need to buy an a homework access code separately at MasteringAstronomy.com. IMPORTANT – be SURE to choose the right “Essential Cosmic Perspective” when signing up for Mastering Astronomy if you are buying an access code online (causes big problems otherwise). Choose 7 th edition, this cover
Turning Technologies response pad Required for class participation grade Can be found at the SupeStore. Clickers
Bring your clickers to class on Friday for extra credit. We will be practicing how to use them. You will need to register your clickers by going to Blackboard for this course and clicking on “Register Clickers Here”, and inputting the 6-digit code after the words: Device ID (some of the digits are letters) on the back of the clicker device. Clickers
You will need to register your clickers by going to Blackboard page (left tab) for this course and clicking on “Register Clickers Here”, and inputting the 6-digit code after the words: Device ID (some of the digits are letters) on the back of the clicker device. We will use Channel #12 in class. Clickers
Class Recordings With Tegrity Starting Friday, the lectures will be recorded on Tegrity, which you can download and listen to on your own. Go to your Blackboard page and click on Tegrity to log into the Tegrity system and choose the lecture you want to listen to.
Tegrity Go to Blackboard, click on Tegrity link When the Tegrity window pops up, input your usual username and password Can skip through slide-by-slide to reach the material you want to hear about. Note: Tegrity cannot capture everything presented in class, so use it as a supplement, not a substitute to going to class
AY102 Announcements AY102 labs start on Monday, August 24. Be sure to buy a lab notebook at the SupeStore before your first lab day.
Relation of AY101 to AY102 (astro lab): AY102 is NOT affiliated with this class (it has its own instructor, syllabus, grading, etc.) AY101 fulfills the Natural Science requirement only when taken with AY102 - but AY102 does not have to be taken at the same time as AY101 to fulfill the requirement (just some time before you graduate)
This Week in Astronomy Approximately once a week, I will present a recent result in astronomy that was covered by the media. Chance to see the concepts we discuss in class in action. Approximately once a week, I will present a recent result in astronomy that was covered by the media. Chance to see the concepts we discuss in class in action.