THE PILGRIM PROJECT “He would gladly learn, and gladly teach.” Emilee Clark 2 nd block ENGLISH LIT
The Cook The Cook is well known for delicious food and extraordinary cooking abilities, but after we learn how good the food is we also learn that Cook has an enormous, gross, oozing sore. The cook often wore a cloth apron and a bandage around his knee to cover his blistering ulcer.
The Cook The cook fit into the society by medieval class, he was regarded by others by engaging in violent and contentious behavior. A cook spent hours making elegant feasts for king and queens, the meals were to look beautiful for royalty. Usually not a very successful or safe job. Many fires occurred in the kitchen because of the kitchen not being very ventilated. The pay wasn’t very much, it was a hard working job, but for the cook it came easier, just as he was very well at tasting beers, and alcoholic beverages.
The Cook “He could distinquish London ale by flavor, and he could roast and seethe and broil and fry, make good thick soup, and bake a tasty pie” ( ) “They had a Cook with them who stood alone For boiling chicken with a marrow-bone, Shar flavoring- poweder and a spice for savor. ( ) “As for blancmange, he made it with the best.” (397)
The Cook As the host says the Cook regularly sells stale meat- pies. And the Cook confirms the Host's accusations, telling him it's not a good joke if it's true! All-in-all, this is probably not a guy whose restaurant we'd want to frequent. With the Cook, then, we've got gross-out humor pure and simple. All though a good cook, because of the cooks gross puss oozing sore he has on his leg, his kitchen can’t be very sanitary.
The Cook The narrator and the Chaucer both view the Cook the same way, he isn’t a bad person, just very gross. He is good at cooking white sauces, and with a big puss oozing sore on his leg you can never know what's in your food you’re eating.
The Cook “But what a pity-so it seemed to me, that he should have an ulcer on his knee.” ( ) This quote best describes The Cook because of his grossness.
The Cook The Cook’s tale reflects on the Reeve's tale and the Host asks the Cook to tell the next tale. The story introduces an apprentice nicknamed Perkin Reveller. Perkin is a thief, a drunk and a rioter. Chaucer has never finished the Cook's tale.
The Cook Today’s cooks are very much like modern day cooks, same pay and success. Just the same for anyone who takes their job serious, as many hours were spent preparing meals, the mideval times are about the same as the 21 st century.