Today you need… YOUR LIBRARY BOOK Bell work: Write down and label all the parts of the following sentence: – The students diligently studied for their preposition quiz. From the back counter: – 3 index cards (2 large and 1 small) – One of each of the worksheets from the back counter. – 2 half cut index cards for vocabulary words Copy your I CAN statement – I can start a sentence 13 different ways. – I can make predictions about a piece of literature. – HW: Study your prepositions!!
Monday October everyone rolled their eyes and groaned. another girl exited her bus and ambled over to the group to. she had intricately braided ebony hair and a hardback book as usual in her hand. this one was entitled pride and prejudice
Sentence Pattern #12 GERUND PHRASE + BFF + PREP. PHRASE (verb + -ing [acts like a noun] + prep phrase or noun + BFF + prep. phrase Example: Shopping Black Friday quickly makes shoppers frantic. Your turn: _______________________
Sentence Pattern #13 Sentence Pattern 1 or 2 + semicolon + conjunctive adverb + comma + sentence 1 or 2 Example: Shoppers quickly scurried through the store; however, few shoppers actually received a doorbuster. Your turn: _______________________
Conjunctive Adverbs Accordingly Besides Cnsequesntly Furthermore However Indeed Instead Meanwhile Moreover Nevertheless Otherwise Therefore As a result In addition For example In other words For instance In conclusion That is In fact