GOOGLE WALLET Jeroen Barendse
OVERVIEW How does it work? Where can I use Google Wallet? Current and Upcoming features Current Restrictions Competitors Responses Practical Applications
HOW GOOGLE WALLET WORKS The NFC Chip MasterCard PayPass Register a credit card 4 digit password
WHERE TO USE Any PayPass location McDonald’s CVS 7-Eleven BestBuy PayPass finder included
CURRENT AND UPCOMING FEATURES Limited usage by credit limit Time-out feature Add loyalty and gift cards Search for coupons
CURRENT RESTRICTIONS Citi MasterCard Sprint Nexus 4G phones Phone must have NFC chip Cannot hold identification
COMPETITORS RESPONSE PayPal Cloud Wallet Square Card Case
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Ease of use Phone addiction Company card control Identity theft increase?
SOURCE ARTICLE “Googe mobile app aims to turn phones into wallets.” lMyQjAxMTAxMDIwMTEyNDEyWj.html?mod=wsj_share_