Welcome to Fourth Grade Curriculum Night!
Mrs. James My background –I grew up in New Jersey –I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education. My experience –This is my 13th year teaching in North Carolina. –I have also taught preschool, 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, and 5 th grade.
Mrs. Deal I graduated from UNC Charlotte for both my undergrad and my Masters in Reading Education I have taught 3 rd and 4 th grades. This is my 14 th year of teaching.
Daily Schedule 7:45-8:15- Arrival/Announcements 8:15-10:15-Math and Science/ELA and Social Studies 10:15-10:55- Personalization 10:55-12:25-Math and Science/ELA and Social Studies 12:35-1:00-Deal Lunch 12:40-1:05-James Lunch 1:10-2:00-Specials 2:00-2:30- Recess 2:30-3:00- Math and Science/ ELA and Social Studies
Behavior Management Our goal is for your child to become an independent learner and to take responsibility for their actions. This year 4 th grade will be using Class Dojo as our behavior management system. Parents can sign up and check on their child’s progress throughout the day. We are not allowed to communicate through class Dojo. You can send an if you have a question.
Dojo Calendar Each student has a monthly calendar to keep track of daily points. This will be located on the back of their homework folder. Please sign the calendar on a weekly basis. =sharehttps:// =share
Absences When your child is absent, they have one day to make- up work for each day they were absent. Example: If a student misses three days, they have three days to make-up their work. If you have a chance, please fill out the absence excuse form on the Harrisburg Elementary website.
Birthday/Class Parties Students are allowed to bring in treats for the class to celebrate birthdays. Treats must be store bought. These must be eaten in the cafeteria. Please follow the handbook rules when inviting classmates to outside parties. We will have two parties during the year. Room parents will coordinate small celebrations before winter break and at the end of the year. We will also celebrate Valentine’s Day by exchanging valentines and treats.
Grading Scale %=A 89%-80%=B 79%-70%=C 69%-60%=D 60% and below =F All papers with D’s or F’s need to be signed and returned.
Student Planners Student planners are to go between home and school every day. Your child is required to write the day’s homework in his/her planner.
Field Trips We will have 2 out of school field trips this year. Old Salem in October Hiddenite in April
Homework and Daily Preparedness Math homework is given nightly, except on weekends Reading homework will be a reading log and will be collected on Fridays. Be sure your child is prepared each day by having all of their materials and appropriate paperwork signed. Any money or important office information must be placed in a closed envelope. Please notify me in writing of any dismissal changes.
Weekly Folders A folder with the children’s work and assessments will go home on Mondays. You may keep the work unless it is something that needs to be signed and returned. There will be a sign sheet on the right side of the folder for you to sign and return every Monday. Signatures let me know you have seen the folder.
Math Fourth graders will learn about: Whole numbers and Place Value Fraction equivalents Fractions: Adding and Subtracting Fractions: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions and Decimals Geometry Measurement
Math Workshop Type of Instruction: Mini-lessons-whole class Stations - Review, Practice, Enrichment Flexible grouping within classes - Small Group/One-on-One time with teacher and partners Students will take a weekly assessment on Fridays.
Reading Fourth graders will learn about: Creating Meaning by Studying Characters Nonfiction Text Structures: Expository, Narrative and Hybrid Nonfiction Nonfiction Research Projects Historical Fiction Interpreting the Meaning of Texts Content Area Reading, Research, and Writing Test Preparation Social Issues and Book Clubs
Reader’s Workshop Reader’s Workshop emphasizes the importance of student engagement and the interaction between reader’s and text. It provides differentiated instruction in reading. Reader’s Workshop focuses on the teaching of reading strategies. The purpose of Reader’s Workshop is to foster independence among readers. Strategies we will be working on this year are: Making Connections Creating Mental Images Making Inferences/Drawing Conclusions Asking Questions Determining What is Important Synthesizing Monitoring Comprehension and Meaning
Writing Fourth graders will learn: Personal Narratives Historical Fiction Opinion Writing Realistic Fiction Poetry Expository/Informational Writing Content Area Reading, Research, and Writing
Social Studies Fourth grade students will learn: History of North Carolina Geography and Environmental Literacy Economics and Financial Literacy Civics and Governance Culture of North Carolina Students will have a weekly NC Dailies sheet that will be completed here at school.
Science Fourth graders will learn: Forces and Motion Matter: Properties and Change Energy: Conservation and Transfer Earth in the Universe Earth History Ecosystems Molecular Biology
Communication Communication between us is KEY in the success of your child! Lines of communication in order of preference: – –Notes: Please do not write me notes in your child’s agenda or Friday folder. Please send any notes on a sheet of paper with your child. Have them give them to me. –Phone: Call me at school for emergencies at Give a message to the secretary if it is an emergency and I need to talk to you at that time. I do not answer phones during school hours.
Thank You! Thank you for all you’ve already done and for all that you will continue to do for your child be successful throughout their fourth grade school year! We appreciate all that you do to support Harrisburg Elementary School!