Promoting child rights to end child poverty Uttarakhand Flood Response Murali. K. Reddy Sr.Manager – Humanitarian and DRR Plan India
Promoting child rights to end child poverty Search & Rescue – Response Operations Plan India with the support of it’s local partner SBMA has conducted search and rescue operations – Supported District Administration Rapid needs assessment – Golden hour response 2 Coordination – I/NGO, CSO, UN, Sphere… Coordinated Rapid Needs Assessment - Joint sectoral study through Sphere Inter-Agency Coordination UNDMT focal points at district & state level for coordination between GO-NGO-CSO Plan, Save and Aid-et-action study on Education- Protection-Lifeskills and report out CARE led the study on intermediate and permanent shelter- report out CA led the study on Emergency Market Mapping and Analysis-report out The findings suggest both intermediate and long term rehabilitation strategies.
Promoting child rights to end child poverty 3 Sector wise fund allocation and Beneficiaries
Promoting child rights to end child poverty Challenges Quality of Pathwari’s assessment – It is only a damage assessment – building their capacities on needs assessment is crucial for an effective response Relief was dumped in main/accessible villages – A number of villages remained cut off even after two months Psycho Social support for children, women and others were missing Focused on F/NFI kits - Pressing issues around Protection, Education, livelihoods, shelter, social safety net etc Protection issues – Early Childhood Care and Development, Child Labour, Trafficking??? Integration of DRR and CCA from the relief phase (Plastic disaster) Land availability – Forest VS Agricultural ratio – Livelihoods Vs Shelter Largely tourism dependent economy - Distress Migration – young women and children Linking DRR with Government schemes- NREGS
Promoting child rights to end child poverty Way forward/Vision Focus on livelihood recovery based on local skills and resources Community participation/decission making in local governance, policy formulation and its implementation Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Education – Strengthening School Safety Programme Life skills development – While protecting existing livelihoods and tourism based economy Retro fittings/disaster resilient structures Preparedness and contingency planning DRR and CCA mainstreaming in all government policies and schemes
Promoting child rights to end child poverty 6 ‘Let us be resilient…Let us be resilient…