Child Rights
As we know kids have rights such as having a dad or mom who takes care of them, providing food, water, and shelter to live under and a good environment to live in. Kids also require extra attention, like care, attention, and love, school is also one of them but only once their old enough, and to be taught their cultural rights and believes. Although all of this can change depending on what country you live on and the conditions you live under and your parents believes.
As we know in Canada has a specially organization dedicated for kids such as “Child care”, to make sure kids are getting the right treatment and their being treated up to standards. After Canada adopted on the Rights of the child in 1989 couple of organizations decided to form the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of the child, also know as (CCRC). CCRC is an organization that makes sure kids their right treatment, look into child abuse, child education health care, and other basic things Having this organizations is good on the government because it makes the parents or who ever guards the kids, to treat the kids right. There’s also other country's around the world, with no living standards for the kids, where kids don’t get treated right, like Canada.
Child poverty is one of the biggest problem in the kids right. In 1989 the house of common passed a resolution to make child poverty go away in 2000 but 20 years later we are still dealing with it. Ever since then only about 11.9 percent of this problem has gone down. Canadians spent about 70% of their income in food, clothing, and shelter meaning that 1 in 10 kids is leaving in poverty. In 3 rd world country's 1 out of 4 kids are leaving day to day. Large portion of the population feel like parents with lower intercom should pay lower taxes since they have to take care of kids, food, and shelter for the whole family.