RECIPIENT: PAKISTAN Country Specific Project
Activities Program Support Cost A. Total program support cost for 3 yrs staff cost, office supplies office utility, communication cost meeting cost
Program Cost (Program activities cost divided into three years) I. Situation Analysis of Children in Pakistan II. Establishing/ Strengthening referral mechanism & helpline for rehabilitation of vulnerable children III. Development & dissemination of advocacy material IV. Establishment of Child Protection mechanism/ network throughout the country V. Trainings of Trainers (ToT) on child rights & child protection
VI. Training of the voluntary sector on Child Rights VII. Training of relevant public sector stakeholders on Child Rights & Child Protection VIII. Sensitization of Parliamentarian & other stake holders on Child Rights & Child Protection IX. Media workshop on Child Protection X. Advocacy events for promotion of Child Rights
D. SAIEVAC Technical Consultation E. HR Development workshop on Child Protection