What’s going on in Louisiana?
Welcome Goals and Objectives To review end of year procedures To share progress of redesign activities
You can’t teach kids you don’t know….
Focus Area 1: Successful Transition to High School Teaming Freshman Academy Advisory Mentoring Other Transition Activities
Purpose: To identify students who exhibit characteristics of dropping out and actively work with these students to prevent them from dropping out and increase their chance of completing high school Focus Area 2: Early Dropout Detection and Interventions
Focus Area 3: Academic Catch- up Implementation of new or expanded programs to provide accelerated and extended instruction for students that enter high school behind in reading and/or math, using research-based strategies and curriculum materials. “Catch-up” programs in reading must use a curriculum from the State-approved list of reading curricula for struggling adolescent readers.
Focus Area 4 -- Literacy
Focus 5: Remediation and Grade Recovery Innovative, yet proven, remediation and grade recovery programs which support the on-time promotion of students to 10th grade and allow students to stay on track with their age-level peers.
Focus Area 6: Educational and Career Planning Freshman Transition Skills Course LA ePortal
Focus Area 7: Parental Involvement Programs and activities to increase 9th grade parental communication and involvement in ways which lead to improved student engagement and performance.
End of Year Requirements End of Year Report Continuation of Funding Application Budget Revisions
Due Dates End of Year Report 4:00 p.m. Friday, June 12, 2009
1. Focus Areas Which of the following Focus Areas did your school address during ? _____ 1. Successful Transitions to High School _____ 2. Early Dropout Detection & Intervention _____ 3. Academic Catch-up _____ 4. Literacy Skills _____ 5. Remediation & Credit Recovery _____ 6. Education & Career Planning _____ 7. Parental Involvement
2. Timeline Attach the original timeline from your approved grant application. Attach your final timeline. Describe each activity completed this year organized by focus area. Similar activities can be consolidated in the description. Include both planning and implementation activities.
Timeline (Continued) Be sure to address each activity on the timeline: any consultants used the nature and scope of the services they provided how their work helped support your 9th grade redesign efforts all budget items should be addressed
Timeline Should Include: any conferences attended, the individuals attending such conferences, and what was learned that was useful; any visits made to “model” schools, the individuals participating in these visitations, and what was learned that has been beneficial to the planning or implementation of specific redesign strategies; any curriculum materials purchased, and the student audience with which these materials are being used.
Sample Timeline Target Date Activity Description Person(s) Responsible Check if completed Check if modified* Focus Area * Please provide an explanation of any modifications to your original timeline.
3. LA ePortal Usage Describe: how LA ePortal has been used with 9th grade students the purposes for which students have used the LA ePortal the frequency and duration of their usage whether this usage has been voluntary or required (as part of a class, advisory program, etc.)
4. Progress toward Project Goals 9th-10th Grade Promotion Rate 9th Grade Dropout Rate 9th Grade Attendance Rate 9th Grade Students Failing One or More Core Courses 9th Grade Students Suspended 9th Grade Students Expelled 9th Grade Students Scoring Basic or Above on iLEAP
5. Reflections on Comment on the greatest challenges and successes of your 9th Grade Redesign Initiative in Feel free to include anecdotal information quantitative data to supplement that included in the chart a subjective assessment of your project and how it has impacted faculty, students, and parents.
Budget Revision Information A revision is NOT necessary if changes are made within an object code. The deadline for budget revisions is June 1, /1001.html
Continuation Application Check box format PLUS: Explain how this will look at your school. Justify budget expenditures, including professional development and travel, which support this focus area. Timeline Budget Due by 4:00 p.m. Friday, June 12, 2009
For schools applying for continuation of funding: Review of application Review of budget guidelines Review of new components/requirements Contact your regional HSR Coordinator for assistance Tentative Date: Wednesday, May 27 at 10:00 am Webinar