10 Big Data Hadoop Salary Trends
1.Average Big Data salaries have increased by 9.3% in the last 12 months. Current salary range is between $119,250 to $168,250.
2.A Hadoop developer making $120,000 will be evaluated by competitor companies at $155,000. Thats a 29% hike.
3.On average there is a new Big Data/Hadoop technology released every 6 weeks. So make sure you stay updated.
4.There are over 500 open jobs for Big Data Hadoop developers in San Francisco, CA.
5.The average salary for a Hadoop Developer in San Francisco, CA, is $139,000.
6.A Senior Hadoop developer in San Francisco, CA can earn over $178,000 on an average.
7.There are over 450 open jobs in Startups for Big Data Hadoop engineers around Bay Area, CA.
8.Hortonworks, Paxata, Bloomberg LP - are hiring top Big Data Hadoop talent for the highest pay package.
9.The states with the most Hadoop Big Data jobs are California, New York, New Jersey and Texas. - duh that was obvious :)
10.Hadoop adoption is no longer an option but a 2015 enterprise necessity.
For a Complete List of Big Data Companies and Big Salaries Paid by them for Big Data Hadoop Jobs CLICK HERE To know more about our IBM Certified Hadoop Developer course CLICK HERE