May 12, 2009Włodek Guryn1 Physic Program with Tagged Forward Protons at STAR Single Diffraction Dissociation (inclusive SDD cross section, leading 0 using FMS, for example) Elastic Scattering - Roman Pots only, 10 hrs data to tape 25·10 6 events spin dependence in elastic scattering A N,, A NN ; elastic scattering ( b=0.31 (GeV/c) -2, =0.01, to t = 2-3 mb); (- Central Production (Discovery physics) - Roman Pots + TPC, ToF, 40 hrs data to tape 1.5·10 5 events within acceptance particle production in center rapidity using tagged forward protons, -, K + K -, glueballs
May 12, 2009Włodek Guryn2 Implementation at RHIC Need to reach small t and values to measure small masses of interest large *=20m, special optics and beam scraping are needed. C-AD setup 2 days (includes contingency) Data to tape 2-3 days (includes 25% efficiency of data to tape). Hence a dedicated ~ 4-5 day run is needed (20-30 hrs data to tape) Luminosity: at STAR 3.5·10 29 cm -2 sec -1, at PHENIX, *=0.7m, 1.1·10 31 cm -2 sec -1 Polarization 60-70% because of low injection intensity 0.45·10 11 /bunch Also low emittence <15 ·10 -6 m These are ideal conditions to take high performance min bias data set for both PHENIX and STAR
May 12, 2009Włodek Guryn3 Status: Roman Pots Being Commissioned at STAR Vertical Roman Pots 1.The pp2pp setup has been moved to STAR and has been integrated during Run 8 and 9. 2.We are able to take data stand alone using pp2pp triggers. 3.The pp2pp trigger is being re-commissioned because of new front end at STAR (new QT boards) 4.Si detector readout commissioning and integration is underway, fine tuning is taking place. 5.RPs were operated successfully this morning without interruption to the rest of the program. Kin Yip
May 12, 2009Włodek Guryn4 Commissioning pp2pp at STAR We are trying to do as much as possible without moving the RPs but some of the steps require that we operate with the RPs moved into the beam pipe. 1.Commissioning with the beam and RPs close to the safe high intensity limit: Few one hour runs to time Si pipe line and test zero suppression (dedicated time at STAR) 2.Run with RPs in and STAR production run to time pp2pp trigger and STAR trigger (no dedicated time needed) 3.Once trigger timed in and pp2pp production setup OK run with RPs in and a dedicated time at STAR, few 1 hr runs fro debugging and one longer run as test. 4.Very important C-AD prerequisites (#1 and #2 already discussed with Todd): Develop a scheme to measure pp2pp optics ~1-2% level Develop a scheme to measure luminosity ~1-2% level An APEX experiment would be very helpful to develop pp2pp optics speeding the setup during our dedicated time 5.If the studies with the beam halo prove sufficient we will not need special time to see real elastic collisions. So we are not requesting at this time any other dedicated time, except what we mentioned above