1 Reported Speech
2 Susanna said (that) she was very happy that day. I am very happy today.
3 We use reported speech to talk about what someone said.
4 When we report a statement, we have to:
5 take away the quotation marks e.g ‘Some students are talking,’ said the teacher. The teacher said (that) some students were talking.
6 change the tense e.g ‘I am very happy today,’ said Susanna. Susanna said (that) she was very happy that day. simple present present continuous simple past past continuous The teacher said (that) some students were talking. e.g ‘Some students are talking,’ said the teacher.
7 change the pronouns I/youwe/you me/youus/you my/yourour/your mine/yoursours/yours he/she they him/her them his/her their his/hers theirs e.g ‘I am very happy today,’ said Susanna. Susanna said (that) she was very happy that day.
8 change the time words today that day yesterday the day before tomorrow the following day e.g. ‘I am very happy today,’ said Susanna. Susanna said (that) she was very happy that day.
9 How many people are there in your family? Tony asked Ray how many people there were in his family.
10 When we report a question, we have to: change the tense change the pronouns change the time words take away the quotation marks
11 We also have to: change the question mark to a full stop e.g. ‘How many people are there in your family?’ Tony asked Ray. Tony asked Ray how many people there were in his family.
12 change the order of words e.g. ‘How many people are there in your family?’ Tony asked Ray. Tony asked Ray how many people there were in his family.