Ms. Laurie B. Stotz English and Speech Teacher Class of 2014 Advisor Renaissance Committee
Educational Experience Penn State University Associates Degree – Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management Bachelors Degree - Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management
Educational Experience Continued… West Chester University – Special Education Teaching Certification (ages 3-21) University of Phoenix – Masters Degree Curriculum and Instruction Additional 30 + credits from local universities
Teaching Experience 1996 – East High Emotional Support Teacher Created and Taught in SAGE Program (alternative education program for girls in the Central Dauphin School District) 2004 – East High Learning Support Teacher 2007 – East High Regular Education English and Speech Teacher
Policies, Procedures and Grading Syllabus – Each student was given a syllabus for my class and it is required that they keep it in their notebooks. Please feel free to take one this evening.
Contact Information Laurie B. Stotz x 207 Homework Hotline extension This information is also found on my brochure and on the syllabus.