Early 20th century literary movement in Germany that posited that art should represent powerful emotional states and mood. It produced distorted, nightmarish images of the self and the individual unconscious. Very subjective to interpretation.
Realism vs ExpressionismRealism and expressionism are opposite movements, the former is the movement of mid- to late 19th-century art, and the last one is the style initiated in the second decade of the 20th century. The goal of realism is to represent the external world objectively basing on unbiased life observation. Realism prefers mere observation to idealization; it reveals accurate and detailed nature and life depiction. Different painters worked within this style French, American, German. Sometimes such frank depiction of life were shocking to the viewers. There were close to realism style social realism, which developed later, during the depression-era, and it was also quite straightforward in life depicting. Expressionism developed later than realism, the term was first used in 1910 and it united such artists as Kandinsky, Marc and Nolde. The style put an emphasis on feelings expressions which are expressed in personal and powerful way. In broader sense expressionism term is referred to independently working artists Rouault, Soutine, Vlaminck, Kokoschka, Schiele. Realism and expressionism are quite opposite in their goals, the last one conveys inner experience opposite to realism which directly represent natural images.
5 Elements: – Atmosphere – Setting – Plot and structure – Character – Dialogue Distortion of images to exagerate the experience
Jones’ unconscious’ state to a conscious one He goes deeper into the collective unconscious of his people, hence, embrasing subjectivity. O’neil uses CYCLYCAL HISTORY to help Jones become aware of his individual unconscious.
Conversations (Start) Jones’ (Oppressor) Vs Smithers (oppressed) Smithers (Oppressor) Vs the Woman (oppressed) Jones (Oppressor) Vs the Tribe (oppressed) Theme of black Vs White Good Vs Evil
BUT a reversal occurs and the roles are inverted. This should have happened, for Jones ought to have been in touch with his own nature at first.
What are they and why are they important? Black vs White / White Vs oppressor Behind the mask – True identity as an African- American. Cannot be both Brutus Jones (Traitor American)
Does the same actions over and over again He denies the fact that he committed crimes He denies his roots
Jones’ journey and Cyclycal history Standard timeline