No Voice!!
Unit 7 “What’s Around Here?”
“The Building” 1st Floor 2ndFloor 3rd Floor
Giving Directions on Different Floors
My Office Women’s Restroom Giving Directions on the Same Floor Library Men’s bathroom
My ASL CLass Giving Directions on the Same Floor Dr’s Office Book Store VP/Phone booth Restaurant Soda machine Candy machine
“Where is it on campus?” Bookstore Soda machine Cafeteria Coffee machine Bathroom Sign Language class Classroom Room 18 Phone booth Water fountain Registrar’s office Library Gym
Where is it? Signer A: ask where a place is located Signer B: give location PlaceWhere? Place (direction/ location sign Ix-loc (requested place)
Snack Time
Expressing Needs
Signer A: explain need, ask where Signer B: tell where
Me Thirsty_________ Hungry____________ Look-For __________ Must (Go To) Need ___________ Want (get) (buy) Where (place) Where Buy Explain need, ask where
“Excuse Me, Where’d You get that Snack?” Signer B: (standing with food/drink in hand, chatting with C) A: (interrupt) express need, ask where B: tell where, but check with C to confirm C: confirm, correct, or say you don’t know A: respond
Expressing Uncertainty CERTAINUNCERTAIN SOMEWHAT CERTAIN l______________________________l______________________________l
Signer A: explain problem with (something), ask where other (something) Signer B: respond, expressing some degree of certainty/uncertainty Signer B: respond, expressing some degree of certainty/uncertainty