Water Water Sunlight Sunlight Soil Soil Oxygen Oxygen
Red-Winged Blackbird Red-Winged Blackbird Moose Moose Dragonfly Dragonfly Painted Turtle Painted Turtle Mosquito Mosquito Green Frog Green Frog Labrador Tea Labrador Tea Great Blue Heron Great Blue Heron Monarch Butterfly Monarch Butterfly Rush Rush Labrador Tea Monarch Butterfly Moose Mosquito Red-Winged Blackbird
Population is all the members of one species in a particular area are referred. Population is all the members of one species in a particular area are referred. Example: Mosquitoes live in wetland like a swamp. Example: Mosquitoes live in wetland like a swamp.
Community is all the different population that live together in an area make up a community. Community is all the different population that live together in an area make up a community. Example: White cedar, dogwood, wood duck, and other animals that live in a swamp. Example: White cedar, dogwood, wood duck, and other animals that live in a swamp.
A swamp is a wetland. That is dominated by woody plants (shrubs and trees). A swamp is a wetland. That is dominated by woody plants (shrubs and trees). Marshes are usually found on the edge of a stem, pond, and lake. Marshes are usually found on the edge of a stem, pond, and lake. A Fen is similar to a bog, except a fen gets water not just from rain and snow. A Fen is similar to a bog, except a fen gets water not just from rain and snow.
Project created by: James & Claudia Project created by: James & Claudia Research and Pictures from: Research and Pictures from: Photos from fotosearch.com Photos from fotosearch.com