Hydrogen Incident and Accident Database International Conference on Hydrogen Safety ICHS 2011 September 12-14, 2011 San Francisco, California-USA HIAD Hydrogen Incident and Accident Database M. C. Galassi1, E. Papanikolaou1, D. Baraldi1, E. Funnemark2, E. Håland2, A. Engebø2, G.P. Haugom2, T. Jordan3,4, A. V. Tchouvelev3,5 1JRC 2DNV 3IA-HySafe 4KIT 5AVT
OUTLINE HIAD History HIAD database Data Analysis Concluding remarks Main features Structure Data Quality Assurance Data Analysis Concluding remarks
HySafe NoE The European Network of Excellence for Hydrogen Safety (2004-2009) Mission Contributing to a safe transition towards a sustainable development in Europe by facilitating the safe introduction of hydrogen technologies and applications OBJECTIVES Strengthen and focus, integrate fragmented research on hydrogen safety → competitive scientific and industrial community Promoting public awareness and trust in hydrogen technologies Development of an excellent safety culture
IA-HySafe IA-Hysafe is the focal point for all hydrogen safety related issues Founded as an international non-profit institution by the EC co-funded NoE Partners from public research institutions, authorities, universities, standard developing organizations and representatives from automotive as well as energy companies MISSION & VISION To facilitate the international coordination, development and dissemination of hydrogen safety knowledge by being the focal point for hydrogen safety research, education and training. Hydrogen will be introduced as a safe and sustainable energy carrier. Research: Basic and Applied Research, Code development and application, Supporting RC&S by determinitic simulations Industry: Development and Marketing of Technologies and Services, e.g. Risk Assessments, Cost driven, highly IP protective, driver for RC&S Authority: RC&S development and application
HIAD WHY HIAD? Hydrogen is already used in many applications Main challenges Different applications present different safety and regulatory issues Lack of comprehensive database on hydrogen incidents and accidents Needs for risk assessment methodologies tailored for hydrogen applications HIAD
HIAD HIAD MAIN FEATURES HIAD aims to be an up-to-date repository of any accidental event related to hydrogen technology Developed and established within HySafe NoE Designed to be a multi-task tool Open platform for lessons learned and risk communication Data source of useful information for risk assessment Hosted at JRC’s ODIN portal https://odin.jrc.nl Through ODIN, users can register and request access to HIAD Fully operational with about 300 events recorded (~250 quality assured) HIAD
HIAD STRUCTURE HIAD 3 modules DEM DRM DAM DEM – Data Entry Module Users can register as “event provider” and insert/update events directly on the database DRM – Data Retrieval Module Allows the user to access hydrogen events recorded on HIAD DAM – Data Analysis Module Is a tool for conducting online simple analyses of the data recorded into the database EVENTS DATABASE DEM DRM DAM HIAD
OPTIONS OF PARAMETERS FOR DATA INPUTS DATA ENTRY MODULE OPTIONS OF PARAMETERS FOR DATA INPUTS 1.Pre-event conditions: Date and time of event, Weather conditions, Geographical location, Type of H2 application, Operation phase or mode 2.Nature of event: Systems and components affected or involved, Chain of events, Causal relations, Relevant safety systems and emergency response, Release, fire and explosion specifications/details 3.Consequences of event: Fatalities and injuries, Property, environment and economical loss and damage 4.Post-event actions: Clean-up and restoration, Legal/legislation initiatives, Lessons learned, Investments made 5.References: Hyperlinks/references to files and documents, web-sites, etc., Specification of attachments, e.g. maps, drawings, photos, etc.
I) Events since 1985: number of events DATA ANALYSIS HIAD I) Events since 1985: number of events
II) Events since 1985: total number of DATA ANALYSIS HIAD II) Events since 1985: total number of involved people.
DATA QUALITY ASSURANCE Each event undergoes the QA process. An event is published in HIAD only after QA process. Data entry by the user (available only to the provider and QAEG) Data verification by the QA Expert Group Data published on the external database and available to the public HIAD
INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS Task 31 International Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementation Agreement. Additional collaboration with H2incidents.org Initial exchange of data between the 2 databases Plan to expand data exchange. Plan to collect event data with a common template for both databases within Task31
CONCLUDING REMARKS HIAD is a repository of any accidental event related to hydrogen technology Future developments Renewal process and updating Improve user-friendliness New text-template for data entry Additional collaboration with American H2Incidents Database
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! Maria-Cristina.GALASSI@ec.europa.eu daniele.baraldi@jrc.nl http://ie.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ http://www.jrc.ec.europa.eu/