Forum Summary Debra Haugen & Julie Gevrenov
Outline Website Website Overview of Forum Issues Overview of Forum Issues –Policy –Outreach & Education –Engineering –Environment / Worker Health & Safety Next Steps Next Steps Collaborative Effort (’03) Collaborative Effort (’03) –CMRA, EPA, NRCA, University of Florida –Recently Updated (’07) Many contributors Many contributors –EPA, states, local gov’ts, equipment manufacturers, contractors –You !! Need your help to keep this site the premier shingle recycling hub Need your help to keep this site the premier shingle recycling hub –Immediate updates
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1. Policy Definitions Definitions –‘Waste’ classification is a hindrance –Better classify recycling/processing facilities Variation in Applicability of Regulations Variation in Applicability of Regulations –NESHAPs (interpretation, state/local regs) –Beneficial Use Determinations –Develop recommendations Document benefits Document benefits –Recycling vs. other management options Incentivize Incentivize –Grants, loans, demonstration projects –Local mandates, ordinances, diversion goals –Legislative initiatives (min landfilling)
2. Outreach & Education Perception v. Reality - Asbestos Perception v. Reality - Asbestos –Make info available, communicate testing data –Communicate to local NESHAP authorities Roofing Contractors Roofing Contractors –Encouraging separation –Awareness of alternatives Connection to other Initiatives Connection to other Initiatives –Green Building, Roofs, Highways, etc. –Sustainability, resource conservation –Greenhouse gas reduction (WARM model) –Energy conservation Take advantage of multi-stakeholder groups, initiatives (i.e., EPA, FHWA, RMRC) Take advantage of multi-stakeholder groups, initiatives (i.e., EPA, FHWA, RMRC)
3. Engineering HMA Specifications HMA Specifications –Increase % of RAS, optimize mixes –Collaboration (DOT pooled fund study) –IDOT/Tollway Authority test sections Case studies, data from other markets Case studies, data from other markets Processing/Grinding Processing/Grinding –Optimize grind size for different applications –Best practices (store, screen, sort, feed, contaminants) Constantly evolving, keep updated Constantly evolving, keep updated Tear-off Tear-off –Best practices for roofing contractors Maximize efficiency, minimize contamination Maximize efficiency, minimize contamination
4. Environment Asbestos Asbestos –Best practices on testing, analysis, documentation, QA/QC Leaching Leaching –Continue research on PAHs (UF study) Air emissions Air emissions –Asphalt plant (testing results available) –Energy recovery –Processing (dust, fiberglass, smoke)
4. Environment (cont) Deal w/ bad operators (confidence) Deal w/ bad operators (confidence) –Illegal stockpiles –Sham recyclers Risk analysis Risk analysis –Total impacts, life cycle analysis DNR ‘Degree of Hazard’ study DNR ‘Degree of Hazard’ study UNH study UNH study
5. Economics & Markets Establish Incentives Establish Incentives –Renewable energy credits Documentation of energy, economic & greenhouse gas savings Documentation of energy, economic & greenhouse gas savings Energy Recovery Energy Recovery –Applications –Supply chain issues –Benefits, value of fuel –Replaces other fuels
Next Steps Designate leads Designate leads Follow up with interested parties Follow up with interested parties Forum subgroups Forum subgroups –Develop workplans –Secure funding –Carry out projects All documents, updates at All documents, updates at