ASIPP 1 EAST 上充气成像诊断研制及边界湍流 实验研究 邵林明 导师:徐国盛
ASIPP 2 1.Introduction & Progress of GPI abroad 2.Physics target & Experiment scheme of GPI 3.Future investigating plan Outline of Talk
ASIPP 3 1.Introduction & Progress abroad of GPI 2.Physics target & Experiment scheme of GPI 3.Future investigating plan Outline of Talk
5 Phys. Plasmas 17, Some results in NSTX 1.5 cm wide region just outside the separatrix at ρ=0.4cm.
ASIPP 6 PoP 17, Some results in NSTX ρ=0.4cm
ASIPP 7 Phys. Plasmas 16, C-Mod Some results in C-Mod
ASIPP 8 Comparing with simulation BOUT & GEMR C-Mod; SOLT NSTX; ESEL TCV & JET; GYRO DIII-D; GEM3 TJ-K Torsatron. Model for ‘drift-wave-zonal-flow’ interaction proposed Diamond et al, PPCF ’05 Tynan et al, PPCF ‘09
ASIPP 9 1.Introduction & Progress abroad of GPI 2.Physics target & Experiment scheme of GPI 3.Future investigating plan Outline of Talk
ASIPP 10 Although LHW isn’t a main stream heating method in fusion community, But we have observed that LHW can improve plasma confinement. What’s more, LHW injection can control NTMs, Sawtooth in theory. The figure below is a prototype H mode shot drived just by LHW. So, I want to take advantage of GPI to quantitatively or qualitatively investigate the character of turbulence affected by LHW injection, including correlating length,auto correlating time and poloidal and radial velocity. As the same time,LHCD can also achieve H mode, so we also can study the mechanism of L-H transition (S.Zweben PPPL has investigate L-H transition in NSTX utilizing GPI ).What’s more, we can try to study low frequency zonal flow, because we have two sets GPI locating in C and F port, respectively. In a word, we can study several important issues in one effective shot.
ASIPP 11 Core components of GPI in EAST Fast camera Gas manifold Side-view reentrant window
ASIPP 12 GPI diagnostic is available in EAST ——Recycling suppressed by lithium depositions High recyclingLow recycling Visible CCD camera, at the same n e
ASIPP 13 Phys. Plasmas 13, Phys. Plasmas 17, GPI SNR rising in NSTX , due to first wall’s lithium depositions since 2007
ASIPP 14 Owing ability to deal with raw data
ASIPP 15 Separatrix EFIT upgrade to LRDFIT
ASIPP 17 1.Introduction & Progress abroad of GPI 2.Physics target & Experiment scheme of GPI 3.Future investigating plan Outline of Talk
ASIPP 18 Complete GPI diagnostic system’s setting up, including components’ assembling and control software testing. Shape: Further understand turbulence, blobs and zonal flow, Try to investigate the physics of them. Explore the mechanism of L-H mode transition. Investigate the character of turbulence and Blobs in different shot modes (B t,I p,V p,n e,; Shape: DN,LSN,USN; heating :Ohmic,LHCD,ICRH, Improve the GPI diagnostic, according to the problems met in next campaign. Analysis the raw data from GPI instrument, and investigate the underlying physics of turbulence, blobs,