Module 9: Introduction to Personalised Social Support an approach of proximity social services and person centred approach to inclusion Training Kit : Personalised Social Support 2012
Overview 1.Personalised Social Support (PSS) terminology –Support –Personalised versus Individualised –Life plan –Personalised projects –Systemic approach : benchmarks for PSS 2.Definition and objectives of PSS –What is PSS? main components of PSS –Goals and benefits 3.Implementing PSS –PSS outline –PSS for persons with disabilities
PSS terminology Support Personalised or Individualised Life plan Personalised projects Systemic approach
What is the meaning of "support" ? meaning has changed over the years, from ‘’carry, provide help, take responsibility for, relieve, etc.’’ to positive notions of support = increasing social participation and empowerment Does ‘’support’’ = ‘’follow-up’’ ? Social support is different from follow-up. It is not focused only on the person but includes working to mobilize the person’s environment (forge links with services, identify responses and their relevance to each person’s situation, and the groundwork needed to develop the capacity to receive them). Support
In this example, which are individualised trays, and which are personalised trays? What is the difference ? Individualised = per unit, treat everyone as the same, Personalised = per character, looks at attributes/role Personalised vs. individualised "Personalised" focuses on a person and their uniqueness.
Life plan and personalised projects LIFE PLAN, LIFE PROJECT PERSONALISED PROJECT Everyone has a life course and a life plan/ project. That plan includes several short, medium and long term projects, linked to social roles or social participation activities. Can you name some personalised project you plan to, or have gone through in the past ?
Why a ‘’project’’ ? We refer to a personalised project because… it has goals, objectives it has a beginning and an end it is chosen according to our needs, hopes and priorities it needs to be planned it may require resources (information, human and/or financial help, etc.) it can be followed-up, readjusted, lead to success or failure
My personal projects… …reflection on successes and failures
Using a systemic approach… to choose a personal project His/her place in society In his/her different spheres of life The places to which s/he belongs Socio cultural and religious His/her work and company The person Personality Culture History Identity Values Interests Organisations to which s/he belongs: Sporting, humanitarian, other His/her school and where s/he received training His/her accommodatio n And neighbourhood
→ All system (person, family, group, community, etc.) contain the solutions to their problems Principles of the systemic approach → A person should not be reduced to their problems or disability;
All systems (person, family, community, etc.) possess capacities and resources, even in high vulnerability:
All systems (person, family, community, etc.) develop in their own way : –same situations do not produce same effects –there is more than 1 way to bring about change
A person is a living system, going through some periods of change
Definition and objectives of PSS
What is PSS ? PSS is an approach of proximity social services; a person centred approach to inclusion It is a PROCESS to improve social inclusion of a person, by : –taking a global and personalised approach to their situation; –Fostering their empowerment and self-determination –Facilitating interaction between a person and their environment
→ A relation component Relationship of understanding and mutual respect → A component consisting of change and movement Facilitator adapts to the person… by supporting: In front… Side by side… Behind… → A time component Has a beginning and an end Three components of PSS
Explore their areas of interest, identify their strengths, know their rights Define their needs Develop capacities, attitudes and/or behaviour that will be useful to them Find ways to remove obstacles to their personal, social or professional progress. PSS encourages a person to…
PSS outcomes - at personal level Improve social inclusion Develop involvement of people in their own change process through improved management of their interaction with their environment Help focus on capacities (what we can do) instead of difficulties (what we cannot do) …
Analyse the cross-cutting and complementary aspects of goods and services that facilitate social inclusion of certain people Facilitate interaction between existing systems (medical, social, professional, economic, leisure, etc.) PSS impacts - environmental level Encourage creation and reinforcement of working groups and networks …
…person’s empowerment in their life plan, life project. How ?... by providing them the support needed for the formulation, organisation and achievement of 1 or more personalised project. Goal = response to a person’s needs Goal = empower the person so they can own their life, define their goals and mobilise their resources. Ultimate goal of PSS
Can you name benefits of using PSS ? Why use a systemic approach in PSS ?
Benefits of using PSS Goal = empowerment Impact on environment : networking, mapping of services and social participation opportunities, interaction between stakeholders Positive and realistic process, adapted to each context Observatory function on a given territory, region Contributes to changing attitudes towards differences
Using a systemic approach in PSS is useful because… better understanding of the role and function of each person at an individual, group and community level help the implementation of a personalised project, taking into account the members and resources of each system
Implementing PSS (introduction)
The person Working at different levels The environment
The PSS approach stays the same, whoever the group of people supported. Considerations however for persons with disabilities : –Impact of impairment on the person’s experiences –Social image of the person often negative –Some persons with disabilities in a mourning process –Adaptation of methods and tools to different types of impairments and capacities PSS with persons with disabilities
PSS of persons with disabilities can mobilise different actors (medical, paramedical, social, etc.) The social facilitator can play a role of coordinator and mediator between all actors involved The construction of a personalised project should take into account other professionals opinions regarding the realism and feasibility of the project. PSS with persons with disabilities (cont’d)
Often persons with disabilities, e.g. persons with intellectual impairments, will need the presence of a 3rd person, responsible (legal or family). –Differentiate the wish of the responsible person and the person with disabilities –Be careful of projects chosen and negotiated for the families, rather than for the person. PSS with persons with disabilities (cont’d)
PSS in my environment Where have you seen PSS implemented? Were all the stages included ? Why did this happened? According to you, does everybody need support through all these stages ?
The PSS outline can take various forms depending on the service and might not cover all the stages *Not everybody will need to go through all the stages PSS has a beginning and an end A personalised project is about a social role and a daily living activity. The goal of PSS is NOT to respond to 1 personal specific need (get a wheelchair, etc.), it is to empower a person so they can own their own life. PSS is about change, and persons can go through different phases and emotions during the process. PSS key points to remember
Link to practice * Give participants 10 minutes to answer these questions individually on a piece of paper, and then do a roundtable with each person sharing some of their answers. Based on what you learned today, do you think you have used, or could use PSS in your past or current job? What support would you need to be able to understand better and implement PSS ?