The Earth System’s Four Spheres Objectives: Explain the 4 spheres of Earth Explain how the spheres interact
Introduction Earth is able to support life because the four spheres interact Atmosphere Geosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere Energy moves back and forth
The Atmosphere Atmosphere: the gaseous envelope surrounding Earth Made of a mixture of gases Provides living things with oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Other gases absorb and alter rays from the sun
The Atmosphere Cont’d Due to changing amounts of water vapor in the atmosphere High or low humidity Change the formation of clouds
The Atmosphere Cont’d Atmospheric pressure causes wind Storms are caused by water vapor, air pressure and energy
The Atmosphere Cont’d Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has free oxygen Supports the life forms
The Geosphere Geosphere: the physical features of the planet (except water) Inside layers of Earth Ocean basins
The Geosphere Cont’d Always changing Volcanic eruptions form new land Mountains are uplifted and eroded Continents are always moving
Exit Ticket Explain the atmosphere and geosphere.
The Hydrosphere Hydrosphere: all the water at or near Earth’s surface Oceans, lakes, rivers, groundwater, ice snow
The Hydrosphere Cont’d Only 3% of water on Earth is freshwater 70% is frozen in glaciers 30% Groundwater, lakes, soil, water vapor, river water ½ of 1% is usable fresh water
The Hydrosphere Cont’d All water on Earth is continuously recycles
The Biosphere Biosphere: the living things on the planet The interactions of the geosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere make conditions to support life
The Biosphere Cont’d Includes all forms of life Single-celled protozoans, jellyfish, redwood trees, people, etc.
The Biosphere Cont’d Humans have changed the Geosphere Oceans Atmosphere One sphere can affect another
Exit Ticket Explain the hydrosphere and biosphere.
Interactions Among the Spheres 4 Spheres are constantly moving, changing, and interacting A change in one sphere affects another
Exit Ticket Explain how interactions change the spheres.
How Interactions Change the Spheres Interactions takes many forms Single event Temporary change Constant change Uniformitarianism: Earth is always changing, forces of change at work in the present is the same as the past
How Interactions Change the Spheres Cont’d Some changes can take thousands or millions of years Erosion Atmospheric change
How Interactions Change the Spheres Cont’d Shorter changes Disrupt bird nesting Flooding Greenhouse Effect
Understanding Check Answer the following question. Use complete sentences. You may NOT use your book. You MAY use your notes. This is a quiz grade Explain the 4 spheres of Earth. Explain how the spheres interact.