eCI – electronic Commerce Infrastructure “ An application to the Shares Market ” Demetris Zeinalipour ( Melinos Kyriacou Evgenios Charalambous University of Cyprus University of Cyprus ©
2 Introduction 1/3 What is eCI ? eCI is a prototype implementation of an electronic Commerce Infrastructure. The Design & Implementation effort was to create the basic infrastructure that could host Agent -based Virtual Markets, with the use of Mobile Agents and XML. These markets do not exist in real life; instead, they are created dynamically by the exploitation of the eCI Infrastructure
3 Introduction 2/3 Our implementation provides the registered users with an Internet-enabled integrated Cooperative environment. Registered buyers: The ability of multiple requests registration, and the provision of notification about offers matching their requests (by push-based techniques). (SMS notification, push Applets, , Direct Chat ) Indications to the users,in order for them to choose the best out of the available offers. Implemented with the use of DSS (Decision Support) Modules.
4 Introduction 3/3 Registered sellers Mapping of the seller dynamic work mode with the use of appropriate User Interface metaphors. The seller can : Add shares – Added to his portfolio. Remove them at any time. Edit them. Keeping the buyers updated about his moves and actions.
5 Mobile Agents The system works with Mobile agents which are created upon the portfolio interests of a user Agents reside in the eCI Virtual Market. Agents: Listen and collaborate with other agents, in order to asynchronously collect information that interests its owner-creator (user). Provide the mechanism to the user to be disconnected from the eCI network and keep track of changes and offers that affects him.
6 Mobile Agents What is Mobile Agents ? Mobile agents were used to implement Agents that have mobility, security, persistence, collaboration and work in disconnected computing networks. The mobility of agents differentiates them from either distributed objects or Java applets. Concordia Agents are mobile objects. During their lifetime, they can travel to different hosts on a network and perform work at each location. e.g Applet eCI Virtual Market Applet Applet
7 Agent Mobility Overview Concordia Agents are Java objects. Agents are composed of Data (the agent's state) and Executable code (the agent's Java bytecodes). Moving an agent around a network requires the movement of the agent's state as well as its bytecodes.
8 Agent Mobility Overview An agent's travel and execution is managed by an object called the AgentManager which runs as a component of the Concordia Server. The AgentManager handles: the transmission of the agent across the network the reception of agent provides the thread in which the agent executes and initiates the agent's execution.
9 Concordia: System Architecture
10 XML – eXtensible Markup Language What is XML and Why XML? XML-extensible Markup Language by W3C is used to describe all the data structures XML provides well formed and self validating data. Ability to describe complex data structures. The use of XML is important while it ensures that the data structures that are transmitted are valid. Provides data communication Structures. Provides the data communication Language. Agents “understand” what they receive and know what to send XML provides Extensible Data Structures Adaptation of eCI Communication Language to new requirements or even new “type” of Markets
11 XML Seller & Buyer Elements Seller Element example Buyer Element example If the above Seller & Buyer exist in eCI Market an Alert will be created for customer.
12 The eCI Architecture XML interface RMI + XML interface Concordia Mobile Agents Platform
13 eCI Push Features SMS Notification on Urgent Alerts Notifications on Alerts Interactive Push Applets. The current web is pull-based. A user get information only upon a user requests the information. eCI is shifting the Web Paradigm from pull-based to push-based, providing a user the possibility to be notified on events (of his interest) asynchronously and without requesting it. The user is not moving to the Information but the information is moving to him.
14 eCI Client Requirements An eCI Client needs JavaPlugin v1.2.2 eCI Java Classes Rmiregistry executable Specific JAR files …. Money to spend on shares Automatic Web Installation with ActiveX Download single cross- platform executable Download zip files Providing Uninstaller, Desktop Icon, Program Files icon
15 eCI Client Kit Installer Visit Web Site
16 How to “play” in the eCI Virtual Market The user interface is based on Applets Subscribe as Seller or as Buyer Login on the system Work on his personal Workspace Add shares to his portfolio Remove shares from portfolio Edit shares in portfolio View Alerts and Matching Offers
17 1) Visit the eCI Home Page
18 2) Register to the preferred (Shares) Virtual Market Personal Information Type of Customer Notification Options
19 3) Login to the preferred (Shares) Virtual Market eCI Virtual Market Address Authentication
20 4) Sell your Shares eCI Virtual Market Address Share Symbol Seller Profile UI interaction Chat with Buyer Profit Quick Calculator
21 5) Request to buy – View Matching Offers ALERTs Tracking User Activities - History Log Interaction Frame SMS (option) Adding Share Requests
22 5) View & Analyze Matching Offers User Interest - Criteria Sellers Shares Offers UI interaction Bought Shares UI notification
23 FUTURE work directions Integration of: Negotiation Models Multiple Criteria Decisions Making Models. (e.g for the used cars market ). Architecture Extensions - Adaptation Adapt the Shares eCI Virtual Market to other type of Markets (e.g Dynamic Yellow Pages) Security. Transactions.
24 Thank you for your attention! Implemented by : Demetris Zeinalipour ( Melinos Kyriacou Evgenios Charalambous The project was supervised by : Nikos Karakapillides Nikos Karakapillides Paraskevas Evripidou Paraskevas Evripidou University of Cyprus ©