F OR APA C ITATION G UIDANCE An excellent website to know is the Purdue Online Writing webpage. Otherwise known as OWL. OWL will break down APA citation for you. Let’s go there now to check it out:
For your annotated bibliographies, you will be interested in how to do APA citations for the following: 1. Books 2. Periodicals/journals/magazines (online and in print) 3. Websites 4. Newspapers 5. Other (video, music) You can also refer to page 186 in your textbook.
APA C ITATION F ORMATION Here is what an APA citation for a book would look like: Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher. **It’s always a good idea to list the city and state in the citation! Put the state in the appropriate two letter abbreviation. (IN, MA…) **Remember you might have to do some investigative work on your end to find out where the book was published. You can always use and to help you with this.
Here is what an APA citation for an article would look like: Smyth, A. M., Parker, A. L., & Pease, D. L. (2002). A study of enjoyment of peas. Journal of Abnormal Eating, 8(3), You should have all this information on your homework assignments already as you have been collecting this information all along.
Here is what an APA citation would look like for a website: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of document. Retrieved from address King, S. (2005) On writing. Retrieved from
T HINGS TO KEEP IN MIND We never use full first names only the initials. Only the FIRST word is capitalized in titles. Exception would be for proper nouns. You must list the full title of the resource. If you have six or more authors, there is a special way to list them. Refer to an APA guide or OWL for help.
W RITING YOUR I NTRODUCTION P ARAGRAPH AND T HESIS S TATEMENT For your annotated bibliographies, you will need to write an introduction paragraph and thesis statement. The purpose of the introduction paragraph is to tell your audience what you will be discussing in your annotated bibliography. Introduce us to your topic. The thesis statement will be the last sentence in your paragraph. This sentence is the most important one in the paragraph because it will state what your research is really about. It will answer those questions you asked at the beginning of the quarter! Even though we are not actually writing the paper, you should be able to say what you hope to discover by researching this topic.
D ON ’ T STATE THE OBVIOUS In thesis statements, you should avoid using statements like, “This essay will discuss…” or “I’m going to write about…” Try to write a thesis statement that captures your reader’s attention without announcing your main topic and stating the obvious. Look at these examples:
See the difference??
I N - CLASS EXERCISE To practice getting familiar with APA citations, we will go to the class wiki and download the APA activity. Then we will check our answers as a class.
F OR NEXT WEEK ’ S CLASS Read Chapter 6 and take the LAST quiz!!! Complete the “Research Assignment #9 which has you putting one book, one article, one website and one “other” resource that you found on your topic into APA format and writing your introductory paragraph. This is one of the most important homework assignments as this will be your only chance to get corrected feedback on APA citations BEFORE you do the final project! Have a great weekend!
A LSO … I will not be here next week. Erin will be subbing for me again. I will be checking my so if you have questions, let me know.
O NE MINUTE WRITE - UPS Please answer the following questions. 1. Do you understand APA format? 2. Do you understand how to write your thesis statement and opening paragraph? 3. Do you have any concerns/issues with the final project?