Welcome Mrs. Jones ELA
A little bit about me…
I am a SAINTS fan! Born in New Orleans Moved to Texas in 2003
Are you Ready? Supplies you need for this class Writing utensil Paper Notebook You will need your library book once we start going to the library
I do have a wish list… Tissue Paper Pencils Note cards Markers Color pencils Pencil sharpeners
I have certain expectations of all students in my class… Mind your manners Respect all people and all things TRY!
Discuss with your group… Only your table should be able to hear you. This is level 2. You have 1 minute…be ready to discuss.
There are certain ways to do things in our classroom… These are called procedures. We will practice these procedures a lot in the beginning. Ask questions if you are not sure about something Always refer to CHAMPS…located on the side board Always refer to daily objective
Getting to Work Upon entering the classroom, IMMEDIATELY complete the following activities. 1. Take your pencil and notebook from your backpack. 2. Put your backpack under your desk 3. Sharpen your pencil, if needed. 4. Begin working on the bell work. 5. We will be using Cornell Notes in this class everyday.
What in the world are Cornell notes?
We are not in middle or elementary school anymore…we need to act like it. There are social rules that apply when working together in groups and individually. All of these rules are a product of the Golden Rule.
Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
Refer to CHAMPS What does active participation look like? What to do if I need something? How do I properly ask a question?
What do I do if I REALLY don’t know what is going on? Look around you. What are other students doing? What is your teacher doing? Check out the objective on the board. Is there anything else on the board or around the room I can use to give me clues as to what I am supposed to be doing?
If you are still not sure… …QUIETLY raise your hand and I will come and help you
Group Work We will work in groups quite often in class. Please be sure to observe the Champs Conversation Level while working. You will be responsible for a role in your group such as leader, time keeper, materials manager, etc.
Rules No one is allowed to leave class the first or last 10 minutes of class for any reason. You must have a pass in order to leave class. Please use the restroom between classes. No gum, food or drink in class. Do not spray anything in the classroom
Consequences Consequences include but are not limited to lunch detention with me, after school detention with me extra graded assignment(s). The consequence will depend on the offense. Repeated offenses may result in an office referral.
Daily stuff… All papers must have a proper heading Turn in your papers to the basket that corresponds to your class. Your work area should be clean when you leave it.
More daily stuff… Everyday you will have a warm up on the board/screen. Do it right when you enter. Be sure to look at CHAMPS Be sure to look at the objective Look around the room check it out…see if anything is set up differently; try to infer what we will be doing that day. Don’t ask questions in the beginning of class…trust that I will let you know what is going on…when it is time
Late Work You will have 2 weeks from the assignment date to turn in late work. Full credit will not be given for late work.
If you are absent… You will have 2 weeks to make up any work and/or tests you missed. Get all of the notes missed from a fellow classmate…this is your responsibility. You may want to attend tutorials for extra help and guidance.
Discuss with your group… CHAMPS noise level 2 for group work.