11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department1 Fire Fighter Safety References IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting Fifth Edition IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting Fifth Edition Fire Fighter I & II Presentations
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department2 Fire Fighter Safety The effects of fire on common building conditions. Signs to look for Bricks Cracking Floors bowing or swaying Sheetrock falling Windows Breaking
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department3 Fire Fighter Safety Con’t Charred support beams or joyces Bubbling roof materials Concrete spalling or cracking Temperature of the walls
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department4 Fire Fighter Safety All these items are things to look for when sizing up the structure and determining the soundness of the structure.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department5 Fire Fighter Safety Electrical Emergencies Considering the variety of electrically powered conveniences used in homes and businesses and the vast electrical systems, firefighters inevitably will be exposed to the hazards of electricity during a fire, vehicle accident, or rescue operation.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department6 Fire Fighter Safety Policies for handling electrical emergencies. Notify power company personnel as soon as there is an electrical hazard. Let power company personnel handle energized electrical equipment if possible. Do not use solid or straight hose streams when a possible electrical hazard exists.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department7 Fire Fighter Safety Con’t Let pole tops or cross arm fires burn until utility personnel shut down the power, unless part of the pole or cross arm is in danger of falling. Exercise extreme caution when using all ladders around electrical hazards. When possible, avoid parking apparatus under overhead wires.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department8 Fire Fighter Safety Con’t Let only power company personnel cut electrical wire Treat all wires as “live” high-voltage wires Establish a danger zone of at least one span in either direction from downed power wires. Wear full protective clothing when electrical hazards exist.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department9 Fire Fighter Safety Fire Service Lighting Lighting equipment can be divided into 2 categories: fixed and portable. Portable lights are used when fixed lights are not within reaching distance or when additional lighting is necessary. Fixed lights are mounted to the vehicle, and their main function is to provide overall lighting of the emergency scene.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department10 Fire Fighter Safety Safety Procedures Using Personal Protective Clothing (PPE) is fundamental for safe work practices On every scene, from the smallest to the largest, be prepared. Come to the apparatus with all you PPE.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department11 Fire Fighter Safety Golden Rule The golden rule in the Fire Service, is 2 in 2 out. Always have a buddy. Never go anywhere alone. If you get lost or hurt, who will be able to find you.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department12 Fire Fighter Safety Hazard Materials Incidents Never attempt to perform a task that you are not trained for. If you don’t know then let someone that does know, do it. Always come to the scene prepared, PPE!!!!
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department13 Fire Fighter Safety Riding Apparatus When riding on the apparatus, always were seat belt. Seat belt first then worry about the SCBA and PPE. It does you no good if you fall out of the jump seat.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department14 Fire Fighter Safety Portable Tool Never use a tool that you are not trained on. Here again, let someone who is trained on the tool operate it. Operate tools as directed by the instructions or by the instructor.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department15 Fire Fighter Safety Here in the Burkburnett Fire Department, we have an Accountability System. The Tag System
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department16 Fire Fighter Safety Tags White- Chiefs Red- Capitan’s & Lieutenants Black- Firefighters Yellow- Rookies & Probationary Members
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department17 Fire Fighter Safety Boards The accountability boards are located in the driver’s side, front overhead compartment on E1 and E3.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department18 Fire Fighter Safety When you arrive on scene, hang your tag on the wire located on the drivers side front compartment. The accountability officer will place your tag on the accountability board after you receive your assignment. If you arrive before the apparatus you will not perform any task until assigned by a incident commander.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department19 Fire Fighter Safety This system is very simple and self explanatory. It is not to slow you down or make you mad, it is for your own safety. If the Incident Commander doesn’t doesn’t know were you are, then you might as well be DEAD and LOST.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department20 Fire Fighter Safety That concludes the self study part of the class. Now the student, that’s you, will watch the videos Essentials of Fire Fighting Personal Protective Clothing and Power Tool Operation and Safety. These videos are located by the T.V. in the day room, right side 2 nd top draw. After the completion of the video, return to the computer and take the quiz. There should be some answer sheets in the Recruit Training Book.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department21 Fire Fighter Safety Quiz
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department22 Quiz 1.Bubbling roof material and bricks cracking are signs of structural damage. A. True B. False
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department23 Quiz 2. PPE is an acronym for A. Personal Public Education B. Put Protection Everywhere C. Personal Protective Clothing D. None of the above
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department24 Quiz 3. The RED accountability tag is for which fire fighter? A. Chiefs B. Recruits C. Capitan’s & Lieutenants D. None of the above
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department25 Quiz 4. 2 in 2out is the what? A. Golden Rule B. Golden Egg C. Only Rule D. None of the above
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department26 Quiz 5. Who should F.D. personnel allow to handle energized power lines? A. Officers B. Electric Company C. Chiefs Only D. None of the above
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department27 Quiz 6. Lighting equipment can be divided into 2 categories: A. On and Off B. Portable and Fixed C. Ours and Theirs D. None of the above
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department28 Quiz 8. What is the name of our Accountability system? A. Passport system B. ID system C. Tag System D. None of the above
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department29 Quiz 9. When responding in the apparatus, what is the first thing that should be done? A. Close door B. Put on seat belt C. Crank truck D. None of the above
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department30 Quiz 10. What color tag is for the firefighters? A. Red B. Yellow C. Black D. None of the above
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department31 Fire Behavior Well, how did you do? I believe that you did as good as you can and that is what I’m looking for. Upon successful completion of the self study and quiz you will be signed off on this subject. If you do not pass the you will have to review and take the part of the class that you failed, again.
11/26/2015Dixon High School Fire Department32 Fire Behavior Well, how did you do? I believe that you did as good as you can and that is what I’m looking for. Upon successful completion of the self study and quiz you will be signed off on this subject. If you do not pass the you will have to review and take the part of the class that you failed, again.