1 Florida Division of Emergency Management Richard Butgereit GIS Administrator Roy Dunn Region Coordinators Team Leader Donald Kunish Deputy Chief Preparedness GATOR
The Geospatial Assessment Tool for Operations and Response, or GATOR, is the flagship common operation picture/situational awareness application for the Division and the Florida State Emergency Response Team GATOR is an interactive web mapping tool for the display of geographic information to support emergency preparedness, operations, and response. Real-time data like weather radar, weather watches and warnings, storm reports and tracks are displayed along with base map data like roads, facilities, aerial photographs and data from operations and response.
GATOR and the Deepwater Horizon Response
Marine RECON
SERT RECON Report application RECON Reports - Existing application for the SERT RECON Team - Built primarily for hurricanes and floods - Teams trained in use, reports triaged by RECON liaisons - For this response, used to track reports of tar balls, recoverable product, shoreline and boom conditions
RECON Reports in GATOR
Shoreline Cleanup Tool spun up specifically for the Branches to allow them to develop tasking in response to RECON and other reports, as well as indicate status of cleanup activities - Tool rapidly developed and deployed, with significant feedback from the Situation Units of Branches 1 and 2. - Reporting and boom/skimming operations tools to come.
Shoreline Cleanup
Virtual USA How was Virtual USA used to support our efforts with the Deepwater Horizon Response?
GATOR and the Deepwater Horizon Response
Virtual USA
GATOR - Today