CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30 God wants us to love Him with our Emotion: God wants us to love Him with our Thoughts: God wants us to love Him with our Will: God wants us to love Him with our Action: Write “heart”, “soul”, “mind” and “strength ” in the correct spaces below. God wants us to love Him with _____________________.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point What do you think it means to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength? In the upper space provided for each section, write what you think loving God means. Then write how you would go about growing in the different aspects. You may either write or draw. With all my heart With all my soul With all my mind With all my strength
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Match the 2 columns of pictures with the correct aspect of loving God. With all my heart With all my soul With all my mind With all my strength
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore You may want to learn the sign language for this verse. LoveTheLord YourGodWith AllHeartAnd SoulMindStrength
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore You may want to learn the sign language for this verse. LoveTheLord YourGodWith AllHeartAnd SoulMindStrength
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore “Love your Neighbour as Yourself.” Mark 12:30 Who are your neighbours? List them below. When Jesus uses the word ‘neighbour’, to whom does he refer to? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point: Why do you think God wants us to love our neighbours as ourselves?
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore State 3 ways in which you can show love for your neighbours. Try to do these 3 actions in the week ahead. 1)2)3)1)2)3)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore You may want to learn the sign language for this verse. LoveYourNeighbours AsYourselves
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Basic Position Stationary turns Right – Turn / Ke-kanan –PU-SING The right foot should be flat on the ground.The right foot should be flat on the ground. The left heel slightly raised to the rear.The left heel slightly raised to the rear. The left leg is raised until the tight is horizontal and the left foot driven to the ground so that the position of attention is resumed in the new direction.The left leg is raised until the tight is horizontal and the left foot driven to the ground so that the position of attention is resumed in the new direction. At attention position.At attention position. Turn to the right, through an angle of 90 degrees on the right heel and left toe.Turn to the right, through an angle of 90 degrees on the right heel and left toe. keep the body straight and arms by the side as at attention.keep the body straight and arms by the side as at attention. Keep the body straight and arms by the side at attention.Keep the body straight and arms by the side at attention.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Basic Position Falling – Out / Keluar - BARIS At attention position.At attention position. The squad will turn to the right and march off three paces, breaking off.The squad will turn to the right and march off three paces, breaking off. Note: This command marks a break in the drill parade and not the end of itNote: This command marks a break in the drill parade and not the end of it Dismiss / BESU – RAIDismiss / BESU – RAI The movement is the same as for falling out; it marks an end of the parade.The movement is the same as for falling out; it marks an end of the parade.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Crossword Puzzle Complete the crossword puzzle in Capital Letters. 3B3B 4K4K 2K2K 1S1S 1B1B 2R2R 3S3S Across 1.Attention: ______________________ 2.Rest Easy: ___________________Diri 3.Stand at Ease: ______________________Diri Down 1.Fall Out: Keluar _________ 2.Right Turn: _______Pusing 3.Dismissed: _____________ 4.Left Turn: _________Pusing
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Crossword Puzzle Complete the crossword puzzle in Capital Letters. 3B3B 4K4K EE RK 2K2K 1S1S EDIA 1B1B EUR AKRI 2R2R EHATKAN INI SA 3S3S ENANG Across 1.Attention: ______________________ 2.Rest Easy: ___________________Diri 3.Stand at Ease: ______________________Diri Down 1.Fall Out: Keluar _________ 2.Right Turn: _______Pusing 3.Dismissed: _____________ 4.Left Turn: _________Pusing
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Crossword Puzzle Complete the crossword puzzle in Capital Letters. 3B3B 4K4K EE RK 2K2K 1 SEDIA 1B1B EUR AKRI 2 REHATKAN INI SA 3 SENANG
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Relating To Others Everybody is different, but we are all similar in one way or another. These similarities form the links between us and the people around us. Everybody is different, but we are all similar in one way or another. These similarities form the links between us and the people around us.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point Have anyone ever used negative words or comments on you? How did you feel about that? Is it easier to use negative words or positive words on people? Why? ‘Pleasant words are as honeycombs, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.’ Proverbs…. How are encouraging words useful in relating with others? Have anyone ever used negative words or comments on you? How did you feel about that? Is it easier to use negative words or positive words on people? Why? ‘Pleasant words are as honeycombs, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.’ Proverbs…. How are encouraging words useful in relating with others?
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point How can we work well with people who are different from us? Is it difficult to compromise? Why? How can we work well with people who are different from us? Is it difficult to compromise? Why? Similarities form links between ourselves and the people around us. But everybody is different.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore 3 points about compromise: 1. People are made ___________________________________. 2. Each person can make a _________________________________. 3. Differences are _______________________________. 1. People are made ___________________________________. 2. Each person can make a _________________________________. 3. Differences are _______________________________.
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Thinking Point ‘As iron sharpens iron, so does a man sharpens the countenance of a friend.’ Proverbs…. What do you think this verse says about differences in working together? ‘As iron sharpens iron, so does a man sharpens the countenance of a friend.’ Proverbs…. What do you think this verse says about differences in working together?
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore How has God shown His kindness to us? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore 3 Reasons for being kind to others: 1)2)3)1)2)3)
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore My most meaningful act of Kindness was when It is most meaningful because My most meaningful act of Kindness was when It is most meaningful because
CREATED BY: HAH KUANG HUI FOR BB SINGAPORE MAY 2003 Singapore Write down your answers to the questions below. QUESTIONANSWER What was the most meaningful act to me? How did I handle attention from the public? What attitude would God expect me to have?