Memory Management in Pentium Harshad Kasture (01D07033) Saurabh Goyal (01D07035)
Outline Pentium General Memory Management Pentium Paging Segmentation Pentium Segmentation
MMU in Pentium Logical to Physical Address Translation in Pentium
Pentium Segmentation I
Pentium Segmentation
Protection Levels in Pentium 1312 (16 bit Selector) Protection Bits
Pentium Paging Pages can be of 4 MB each. Directory entry directly point to a Page in this case.
Pentium General Memory Management Each segment can grow dynamically, so segments have to be paged
Segmentation with Paging: Another example Differs from pure segmentation in that the segment-table entry contains not the base address of the segment, but rather the base address of a page table for this segment
Linux on Pentium Systems Uses only 6 segments Uses 2 out of 4 modes of protection Linear Address in Linux Middle directory = 0 bits when used in Pentium
References Memory Systems and Pipelined Processors; Harvery G. Cragon; Narosa Publishing House Operating System Principles; Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne; John Wiley and Sons slides/Day22_files/
References = ode/introduction.htm ode/protmode.htm
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